General Discussion

General DiscussionCome here plx

Come here plx in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

    So. I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    Early December I was 4k for literally 3 days and for the past month I have been stuck at 3.6 - 3.7. I was 3.8 two days ago, then stuck in 3.7, and I have just had it. And now I have low prio for 5 games. Spamming Luna has worked, but jesus christ time. I am seriously getting over this and feel like unistalling, but I know it is pointless since I will just come back.

    I'm not even mad, or salty, or anything right now. I'm just numb. I am so fucking numb with the people I get paired with. It is just stupid how the nice games where everyone is doing work and playing together and being nice are rare, and the games where you get an idiot or two in your team is like every 8/10 games. I swear to you. 8 games in a row out of 10. So 80% odds you get some dumbass that is the result of your loss.
    This is more of a rant, a vent. All this I am sharing with you, and the time...... it's just depressing. I get so busy sometimes and it feels like an eternity.

    What do you guys recommend?


      Sounds like you need some good ol' PMA. Everyone has rough patches and when a number is attached it can ruin your mood, self-esteem, etc. You just have to rise above it all. Take a break, play some fun modes like AD, play different heroes even, and get to a point where you are comfortable with playing ranked again. Even then, play different roles and heroes to freshen things up a bit. Playing the same hero over and over can get tiresome, especially if you're on a bad streak. You have a good winrate so naturally your mmr will start to rise again. It's just a matter of getting yourself out of this trench.

      basement :)

        Yes. There are games where you get the feeder. Yes, people can be toxic, yes Dota can cause stress, but it is a TEAM-game. Do not blame your teammates, do not blame yourself. LEARN.
        Humans naturally learn from their mistakes. If you are having a stressful Dota day, think about why rather than who to point the blame on. The blame game ruins your focus.

        I am so fucking numb with the people I get paired with. It is just stupid how the nice games where everyone is doing work and playing together and being nice are rare, and the games where you get a moron or two in your team is as though every 8/10 games. I swear to you. 8 games in a row out of 10. So 80% odds you get some moron that is the result of your loss.


        Luna should be able to solo carry 99% of 4k mmr games. You are playing poorly. You also average 8 deaths when the safe lane core should have much less. You probably got carried in most of the games you won.

        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

          Sounds like you need some good ol' PMA. Everyone has rough patches and when a number is attached it can ruin your mood, self-esteem, etc. You just have to rise above it all. Take a break, play some fun modes like AD, play different heroes even, and get to a point where you are comfortable with playing ranked again. Even then, play different roles and heroes to freshen things up a bit. Playing the same hero over and over can get tiresome, especially if you're on a bad streak. You have a good winrate so naturally your mmr will start to rise again. It's just a matter of getting yourself out of this trench.

          Thank you, man.

          Very encouraging words. I'm just extra depressed because now I have 5 LP games. I have been a little mouthy but not toxic to the extreme, but whatever. Shit happens.

          But you're right. Playing SO much Luna is tiring. And it is just devastating getting a 4 lose streak RIGHT AFTER getting a 4 win streak. It's like all that time was for nothing and just an utter waste.

          LP CAN be fun, but I just want out. That is MORE time to get back to 4k.

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            Luna should be able to solo carry 99% of 4k mmr games. You are playing poorly. You also average 8 deaths when the safe lane core should have much less. You probably got carried in most of the games you won.

            I think what I need to stop doing as Luna is switching lanes and trying to help the team out. From what you're saying here, I think I will try just afk farming and joining in when it's safe. But judging from what people have been picking I might pick Axe or some hero that has huge impact. Some of the games I have lost have been due to Axe's.

            basement :)

              I think what I must stop doing as Luna is switching lanes and trying to help the team out. From what you are saying here, I think I will try just afk farming and joining in when it is safe. But judging from what people have been picking I might pick Axe or some hero that has huge impact. Some of the games I have lost have been due to Axe’s.

              Yes. You are the safe lane core. You are meant to be farming. Luna has glaives, which accelerates that.

              The 2 conditions to fight are: ultimate is up or someone is being dived.

              As a side note, here are my Luna games.

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                Thanks, man. Just from the insight alone I see what my problem is. So just farm, farm, farm and be smart. I HAVE to stick to that.

                I want to master Luna so I will keep going at it.

                And thanks for reminding me about the good vibes thread loool

                Funny how despair can take over on a highly negative day.

                But my Sven game, this Rubick literally fed and afk'd, but whatever. That game is over, and now I have 5 lp games to grind out of before getting back in gear for ranked.

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  Mastering Luna is great,bait them and ulti them.

                  Don't take mmr so serious,just play your best and try to improve along the way will do.

                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    Mastering Luna is great,bait them and ulti them.
                    Don't take mmr so serious,just play your best and try to improve along the way will do.

                    You're right. Thanks, man.

                    And it is the best feeling when I am farming on the opposite side of the map, and my team 4 v 5's the enemy near their objective (near our team's tower/shrine) and I tp to sneak in the fight with my ult ready and get the easiest Triple Kill ever. Fun stuff.

                    I guess as a core, and all these players letting me core... I should really just FARM.