General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do ppl hate jungling

Why do ppl hate jungling in General Discussion

    I understand that lane creeps give more gold but I feel it's better to safely farm in your jungle than trying to force cs in the offlane due to the amount of harass u receive from their support.


      well, not all heroes can jungle efficiently

      also, your carry/mid might desire that extra farm from the jungle as well.


        Depends on lineup. Yes jungling At times can be more efficient. But usually if you do it to run away from the problems of laning poorly, you're approaching the problem wrongly

        casual gamer

          if i stay in the offlane i either draw 3 heroes to me or disrupt their carries farm

          if i jungle im trading my farm for their carries farm, and allowing their supports to roam

          theres a balance, and its heavily dependent on what heroes are in the game


            Often when I get jungling player it isn't a well considered pick for the game and then they do not build/play appropriately to make up for weakening the lanes and early-midgame. Instead I get 5th pick jungler because some idiot doesn't want to play support going maximum greed with midas and refusing to help the team for the first 30 minutes of the game. I know someone a few patches ago who got to 6k playing only LC jungle but they developed a very efficient jungling route and instead of rushing moronic items like midas they would rush a fast phase boot and help gank/countergank as soon as they hit 6 or even earlier if an opportunity arose.


              So if I'm playing offlane and being harassed heavily should I go near the camps near me get the bounty and sap the exp that gets near my tower?


                Safe at the cost of your team you fucking scrub

                casual gamer


                  u can probably just buy an iron talon and fast jungle if ur playing a passive offlaner or even shit like under/slar/axe

                  ur games almost certainly look very different than mine (not trying to be mean, just a fact), people will not roam as freely with 2x supports and carry will not abuse freefarm as much. of course you can also get a lot out of ur lane and even win the lane if ur better than ur opponents, super easy if they have a duo lane and you picked necro or weaver or even axe vs a lot of matchups

                  if u know how to abuse creep aggro and you know how to block its very easy to play against a trilane until people start facetanking your range creep, ganking your jungle runes and threatening you with a 2x support backstab 24/7

                  casual gamer

                    can ur mid survive a gank? --> yes then you can play as passively as you want. puck qop ember lv 6 storm lv 6 etc you can play like a bitch 100% no problem. just start pressuring ur lane when you saw they left

                    can they easily sap ur jungle xp and kill you (enemy fucker picked tree, they have mk support or riki or bh type shit), you want to spend less time in the jungle then clearly. or buy a sentry and bait out a kill or some shit, support tp to shrine is pretty strong here

                    my issue is that if i try to lane at 4 mins their luna is level 5 and hits me with max range night vision lucent beam and a clarity every 8 seconds, what the fuck do i do ROFL. she can threaten a solo kill by herself at lvl 6, has retarded turnaround potential to any gank that doesnt have 4 heroes. then their supports follow her around as she clicks on each t1 tower weeeeeeeeeeee

                    im sure im just being salty. you can play slardar offlane and hit a 15 minute brown boots blink and still have insanely high impact just stunning over and over

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      As a player that only play jungle I agree with JDF8 and CUTNPASTE.

                      Don't go jungle because I are not good at lane.If u go jungle,be useful after you out,and try shorten the time for the item you need, aka farm efficiently

                      casual gamer

                        ^ this

                        this game:

                        i have pretty numbers, but bs basically won the game by himself because he killed timbersaw about 5 times before 10 minutes. the amount of tilt this induces is insane


                          Just wondering because I recalled a game of centaur where I got harassed outta lane and didn't know wat to do thnx for advice all


                            just abandon


                              Because most of the time junglers are picked at wrong situation, played with wrong playstyle, with wrong heroes, with wrong farming patterns, and wrong item builds?


                                jungle sf SeemsGood

                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                  ^^I no need situation.
                                  My jungle hero are 2/3 'wrong' by ordinary human.
                                  My item build are 2/3 'wrong' by ordinary human again.


                                    jungle is generally hated because people think of the typical jungle lc, who does nothing for the first 20 minutes and starts having impact when your team is already behind/tilted.

                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                      ^That's why the typical people that think jungle = typical jungle LC are typical low mmr


                                        Wait, if you were harrased out of lane as Centaur, then jungling some farm is fine. If they needed 2 heroes to get you out of the lane, you are doing your job and your impact will be greater the sooner you get level 6 and a Blink Dagger with that beast.


                                          Good scenario to jungle: you have a timber offlane, jug/sven and a cm/dazzle/ogre safelane and a regular mid. You dont screw anyones lanes this way and in that instance a jungle Lycan with a 7:00 brown boots +hotd and either Alpha wolf or big satyr and you can start chewing down towers and getting double kills with

                                          A 7:00 legion has max +10 duel dmg if going phase or is still jungling for 2:00 more mins for a naked blink dagger


                                            jungle is bad because other lanes lose, also you are taking away resources from your mid or carry.
                                            your taking space instead of making it.


                                              If we're talking about minute 1 junglers, they put the role of winning every single lane on the supports back, and only theirs if others lanes can't wipe their own asses like 2-1-2 vs 1-1-1 lanes usually can't.

                                              And then they have the AUDACITY to expect them to have items on top of buying support gear AND on top of constantly being forced to roam to help any lane that needs it. We don't need 4 right clickers with sub par farm by minute 20; we need just 3 with exceptional farm by then.

                                              And that's what junglers take away from their team if they afk jungle like EVERY Legion Commander. Ever!

                                              A good minute 1 jungler is not a jungler at all; they're a roaming support or early ganking core that can start in the jungle who's sole purpose is to get fast levels and help other lanes dominate. Like CM, Enchantress, Nightstalker, Mirana and Chen. <3<3<3 Please Valve, give more of these types of junglers to me.


                                                @ C Nagi89

                                                You are quite correct. Taking a jungler makes every lane weaker.
                                                Offlaner cannot contest, Enemy offlane isn't properly zoned and get xp. One support to BUY ALL THE SUPPORT ITEMS ( which sucks, poverty pos 15 support) and mid is more susceptible to ganks.

                                                Lose - Lose - Lose all because the jungler is too selfish to play a pos 4 hero.
                                                In very rare occurance, jungler can work. ex. Jungle Veno , get your arc boots and lvl 4 and go help the offlaner and push the tower , contest the farm.
                                                If the team is drafted right. A super strong offlaner like Mag, UL with safe lane support cm and strong offensive carry Jug can do OK.

                                                Typically in my games, 9 of 10 is a loss if you got a jungler. The 1 game where we win is when our mid or safe lane/offlane stomps so hard that it doesn't matter if we actually played 4v5 it would still be a W.

                                                Although I do have a special place in my heart for someone running a Jungle BS for the purpose of countering a slark pick.

                                                hell an LC axe or BS should carry a TP and be ready to counter dives but they usually dont.


                                                  Jungle = Mid/Carry loses farm & a wild Riki or Bounty appears to kill u.


                                                    If you're jungling, you're not pressuring the lanes for your team, so it can be hard for a solo laner if they don't have the hero for it. Sometimes junglers get flack for that reason. Like you have a Drow or other carry that needs a bit of babysitting because they're up against a WD and an LC (two strong laners), but you pick CM and go jungling, sucks being the Drow.

                                                    Sugar Show

                                                      8 of my top 10 heroes are junglers. Team always blame the jungler when losing or somebody is feeding or for not ganking or just because they are retards that can't lane by haven't plain their picks vs enemy heroes.


                                                        4k games still 3k
                                                        Nice insight, have you ever thought that you're just as retarded because you can't jungle properly and get out of the jungle shithole quickly to save your teammates from the universal lane disadvantage you made instead of flaming them for not being able to play 4v5? You flame your teammates for not being able to adapt to different playstyle and picks while you can "only play jungle" and you're probably not even good at it


                                                          @ sugar show
                                                          Yes thats it. Your safelane solo sven gets 0 farm and dived on because the enemy axe + roaming dazzle and ogre offlane shitfuck him into oblivion while you just afk and blame them for feeding.

                                                          You will pick a jungler against a team with early push just because, then flame and blame your team because you are incapable of anything else


                                                            I don't know. A lot of people like to solo the lane while no one wants 2 other people in their own lane, which means one person has to roam or jungle.


                                                              nothing wrong with junglers like enigma, chen, enchtress etc

                                                              fuck jungling cores though

                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                i cannot support > pick right click core jungle > make midas > team die to gank > flame why team so poor , feeding and noob > farmed for most on the team for laning phase stage > team dies to gank , cannot farm jungle because jungler already take it > blame > lost

                                                                THESE GUYS , JUST NOPE

                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                  ^I did them all and I am a most 1K higher the you :D

                                                                  Fee Too Pee

                                                                    ^ i do admit u can abuse jungle farm , 5 min pt 10 min armlet jungle wk? sure why not

                                                                    but most of the time thou , those junglers cannot abuse farm like you (10 min MIDAS no boots BS not even lvl 6 yet kill me) playing is not even fun struggle lane from 00:00 to lost


                                                                      I think everyone here already knows that players who do nothing but jungle couldn't hold a lit torch in lane without dropping it on their dick. PVE is just a far superior farming experience if truth was to be told and you are far less likely to light your genitals on fire in such situations. I don't blame my fellow teammates for having such mentality or disability; unless we lose. Then I blame the everloving shit out of them. Because if you suck so badly that you can't even do a 1v0 pve without screwing even that up, then you SHOULD feel bad. In no less than 5,000 words, junglers who lose games, should have to write an apology letter to their parents for not having consideration for their fellow man. Or at least, they should say sorry to their teammates for not carrying them given that they laned against literally NO ONE and were completely uncontested in their farm, unlike every other teammate they had.

                                                                      The moral of the story is if you're great at jungling, great, we win. But if you're not, get back to low priority, and leave us normies in peace.


                                                                        Jungling means weak lanes. If you're expected to offlane and decides to go jungle, then you're lane can easily be pushed and enemy supports will have more map control and freedon to gank/roam other lanes, even ganking you at your supposed safe jungling.

                                                                        Jungling works only if the enemy team doesn't take profit from that fact and play passively too, otherwise, it's the easiest way to be stomped.


                                                                          i think that jungle doesnt affect mid/ carry that much, cuz they cant take all creeps before the respawn time, so if jungle take the proper camp doesnt affect anyone on the team.. the problem.. when u have a jungle, u have only 4 players fighting farm/harassment vs 5 players.. so, if enemy support rotate efficiently u most probably lose the early game BRUTALLY. If u have stronger pick, and enemy cant harass u out of lane, then jungle is good, cuz 4 players are farming faster, instead of 3 (1 per lane)..

                                                                          Also, junglers should be online before min 10 mark, if not, they are just afk farming, if they win is bcuz team didnt need the jungler, and wont need it either..


                                                                            jongol lol

                                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                              My gratitude,it's called efficient farm.
                                                                              @C Nagi
                                                                              But what if I only play jungle?
                                                                              What should I do?

                                                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                Btw the fucking new ancient is fucking hard to kill


                                                                                  lmao just nuke it


                                                                                    sf 3 razes eats it


                                                                                      Jungling does not necessarily mean weak lanes...

                                                                                      I will be the first to admit I don't like it when a teammate picks a core jungler, but seriously, it's not the end of the world and it's far from impossible to play around that. Some people just like to complain.



                                                                                        Win. I don't mind having a jungle core. I just don't want a bad one that doesn't even know how to win their lane; and by lane, I mean completely uncontested pve farm. Farm fast, farm efficiently, and come out with bazookas for arms, ready to lay down mushroom clouds everywhere they go. A lc that comes out of the jungle with a rushed 12 minute Blademail, 0 duel damage, and 0 incentive to even team fight by that point is something I'm going to have put on my back, and carry like a pack mule. And when a position 5 has to put on that mentality, you better believe you're doing something wrong.


                                                                                          It's less about the jungler and more about the guy who picked spectre with like a pugna supporting him. Then since you went jungle, the other support has to go offlane to get the exp the lane provides.
                                                                                          There are heroes like Beastmaster that can rotate to a camp occasionally, but still want the lane exp from the offlane.
                                                                                          If you have a safelane carry that can fight well early with a single support than a jungler can be a blessing, your team will have exp advantage for sure.

                                                                                          Sugar Show

                                                                                            I think blame the jungler has been the main tradition in dota since the 2005. Believe or not games without jungler and early advantage still have probability of losing like the rest of the games.


                                                                                              @sugar show
                                                                                              Your win rate with your "top ten" are horrible, id understand why they would blame you.


                                                                                                Lice tea is a really good jungler tho. Ppl don't contest jungle enough. And it is more reliable farm than laning.


                                                                                                  And from what I observed it is not about the first few mins where he starts in the jungle. Maybe he is not as efficient who knows. But He transitions into pos 1 and applies a lot of pressure around the map. Just don't afk

                                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                                    There is a reason I can become full time jungler - when I being contest I am happy because 4v4 out there and with shrine you can easily go heal after they use skill (no mana)
                                                                                                    Jungle have lot of high/low ground -use it on your advantage
                                                                                                    Roamers is typically lower level then a proper jungler,just kill them or at least be alive when they come.Space created and even faster farm speed

                                                                                                    Not Saske

                                                                                                      licetea so noob, 35min afk jungling, let his own team fall in despair.

                                                                                                      the he came out from jungle and act like a hero and carry us to win.

                                                                                                      that just so pathetic

                                                                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                                        Fall to despair~~
                                                                                                        I not gonna save you~~
                                                                                                        Just a little of my good game.

                                                                                                        My name is 1iceTea by the way.
