General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to improve KDA?

How to improve KDA? in General Discussion

    How to lessen deaths? What's the best technique to avoid feeding? To avoid dying?

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      try not to let ur hp drop to 0

      Ryan Gosling Fan

        Noone cares about kda.

        Story Time

          why u need kda at all?

          1-IceTea 🌟

            pick Zeus after get 6 go hide in most hidden place,always ulti KS. 2-0 Sounds easy


              By not letting your HP bar go 0


                Staying in your fountain is a good way to avoid dying:p

                You're VHS so I guess you already know what you should not do. If you want to practice, I think playing a really squishy hero that need a lot of positionning might help you


                  Just because someone is VHS in pub games doesn't mean he's good
                  Come on, diox is VHS, and only God knows how many account he has made to abuse the smurf detection system


                    play safe and position yourself at the right position at right time. you wont die. map awareness is key and watch replays analyze team fights so that you can understand where could we stand right now so that we wouldnt have died or why did we die, which hero was missing from fight while you on your squishy ranged hero are staying at a place you chose to be safe. main conclusion is die less. and get more kills in fights and participate in fights for just 1 hit on a hero some times just to get assists. this is how you gt high kda. :D


                      Why do people make these threads


                        3 options

                        1) kill more
                        2) die less
                        3) assist more

                        casual gamer

                          Why do people make these threads

                          because they are as far from good as is possible


                            Its ususally more viable and more constructive to the game to increase the number of assists you get rather then trying to steal more kills. So TP rotate to prevent ganks, join teamfights and work with your team and your KDA will go up.

                            Also try not to die. If you die, don't do what you did that caused you to die.

                            basement :)

                              Get 1 kill. Go afk. Repeat.


                                To die less you need a brain that can think what the enemy is thinking given what information they have on the map.


                                  Get matches like this.

                                  That's a 2.8 on the richter scale right there. How I love being a 2k chud.

                                  Not Saske

                                    get dagon and dagger as a lion


                                      2k scrub spamming naga WHAT IS GOING ON

                                      Player 345068850

                                        Kill more assist more die less


                                          you gotta make theories on how to not die, kill more and assist more

                                          most 6k+ players play on a strict set of rules, ex don't save teammates if they run into stupid places, only go for free kills, don't run around trying to find kills instead of farming unless smoked etc.


                                            Thanks guys I've learned something new.


                                              Actually I would say low mmr have poorly defined rules, and stick to them too rigidly. What sets apart someone who knows the game is when there are exceptions to very prescriptive rules such as "you must farm and split push on antimage"


                                                Fish and snakes and sharks in lakes.

                                                I don't know about other people, but unless its really early, I don't run from ongoing and winnable team fights, even if I have below 10% hp and I'm being chased around the edges of said team fight. There's too much you can get done with just an extra disable or just by dragging that enemy away from your team for a few more seconds.

                                                Case in point, a really crappy player, helping to get crap done by doing crappy things.

                                                With crappy graphics and crappy lag.