General Discussion

General Discussionlearning kunkaa

learning kunkaa in General Discussion

    Is kunkaa viable this patch and does anyone know any other good players that i can watch other than attacker to learn the hero. I just want to play another hero with a cleave mechanic since i can't use sven this patch.

    old man

      kunkka is kinda strong nearly in every patch (even nerfs doesnt effect his abilities much). bloodthorn is really good if you have nice damage ie rapiers. about videos, idk much. there are some good guides on youtube but the videos kinda old tho. but kunkka playstyle doesnt changes much so i guess the guides still viable.


        ah ok thanks still trying to get used to his timings on his skills, because he's a similar hero bf ember once i get the skills dow n ill think he'll be a fun hero to play in ranked

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Please don't go carry Kunkka, the cleave damage is not reliable you can't do anything in fight if creepless
          Just play support roamer Kunkka with x mark and torrent maxed first


            has his cleave damage really been nerved that much ? and yeah ill give it a try ive been wanting to play him for ages, but never got round to learning him properly. From what ive seen he's a pretty good mid if you know what your doing


              Roaming Kunkka is awesome, x-marks the spot is insane.


                yeah it looks it that and the cleave is the main reason i want to play the hero since he destroys high mobility heres like weaver



                  Father Jack from Marketing

                    Absolutely hate playing vs Weaver. Will be trying sup / roaming x mark man next time... xD


                      yeah me too the heres so strong right now , normally i just pick storm or void against weaver , but i want to learn kunkaa cause he looks fun to play


                        Please max x mark first then use it to combo with ulti. 1st and 2ns skill can come later. I found a lot of kunkka player don't know how to use x mark and it tilted me.


                          both builds are viable.

                          Mid kunkka- Midgame items (drums/armlet) - Blink, daed etc.

                          support kunkka - Aetherlens, blink, Euls, GEM

                          Kunnka realistically has only 2 positions, 4 and 2. While you can play him in other roles, these are his best. In the chinese scene you'll see alot of pos 4 kunkka's and in western you'll see him played mid a fair bit, with (Attacker) leading the reigns.

                          A good kunkka know's how to utalise his X-marks. And will use his X to Tp teammates and him self around the map.
                          If you get next level on kunkka, (3-4 rapiers Lategame) you can Xmark and boots of travel into creepwaves for Splitpush shennaigans and Snipe Tinkers in 1 hit O_o

                          A support kunkka should almost always lead the ganks, carry smokes run around and X shit.

                          Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                            Man i loved kunkka crit build did fairly well with it to.... Only played him once in 7.xx though but he felt pretty good. (especially with his baby ravage talent :D)


                              yeah your right i roughly know the playstyle since i spam ember i can do the basic combos but landing the torrent I'm finding quite difficult to do consistently yeah the aoe at level 25 looks amazing


                                It should be a guarenteed combo because you can pull them back whenever you want. but if you're struggling. just buy a uels and go roaming support. Just eul into torrent


                                  kunkka is not viable stop playing this hero its DEAD


                                    for now yeah but thats because i havent practiced him enough I'm sure after a few games ill get better at it , @ desolated no heres dead it just depends how well you play him

                                    Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                      I think if any hero is dead it's chen.... i cant even remember the last time i've seen a chen