General Discussion

General DiscussionLook at my last game :D

Look at my last game :D in General Discussion
Gabba Gabba Games TTV

    Theres this 5k player with 11k hours and 7.4k games on the enemy team arguing how much better he is than me in post game can i get some other input here (he's the pl) im only 3.4k he kept bragging about getting a 5 min midas but if you look at item timings he got it at 9 mins (after bringing 4 to gank me bot 2x while i was solo </3) idk is he better? was my complete destruction of him a fluke? should a "5.7k pro" be able to carry a 3k game?

    basement :)

      He is 4.1k?

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        He's 4k
        PL is 4k
        Who's 5k?

        Gabba Gabba Games TTV

          he claimed in post game he was 5.7k and DB isnt updating his mmr for some reason that, that mmr is 5 months old

          Stone Cold Steve Austin

            First thing to note, he's not a 5k player.
            Other than that, you can't deduce all your questions from one game alone especially since it wasn't 1v1, and nobody can carry a game alone.

            basement :)

              Ah, he is clearly lying. A recent solo ranked game with him was 4k mmr average.

              Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                Lol he's inviting me to groups like "3k baddie" "stop playing ranked thx." on steam right now

                basement :)

                  That is actually hilarious. Can I have the links for future use?


                    Lmfao same^^

                    Gabba Gabba Games TTV

             i think he's having a mental breakdown tbh

                      (I hope not everyone at 4k is like this this guy just makes me pity him so badly to spend 11k hours of your life on a game and when you lose to 3ks go to this level of tilt)


                        Crazy how this impubescent child had to resort to some anonymous forums for attention. I mean then again he asked for my facebook and saw how my life > his. but to lie about 5k?
                        My dotabuff says 3.5, its been months. If i knew how to update it or even cared I would.
                        but yes, team 'going nowhere' assemble!

                        Happy this child got a slap to reality.


                          Still waiting on that photo btw, New Phone, Who Dies?. I mean I did my part, enlighten me with how peasant your lifestyle is, especially with that 400 gpm at 3.3k :D <3
                          Party mmr's really enlighten me to the world of 3k. Been a minute since I knew what it was like.

                          Stone Cold Steve Austin

                            I don't really understand anything that's happening here.

                            Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                              AAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY my boys heeeeeere (linking an irrelevant image)


                                OOO, one last thing before I go. Our buddy is apparently Chris Rock.
                                So, I'm guessing... ghetto, poverish, probably dreams of becoming a rapper or pro gamer. Other than that. Insanely poor trolling skills.

                                Thanks for the entertainment, bud. It was cool getting a glimpse of the lower class.

                                Have a good one and good luck.


                                  Hey kid give us the links to those steam groups real quick, shits funny asf

                                  Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                    "especially with that 400 gpm at 3.3k :D <3" i mean i play support or offlane more than core and youve played 7.4k games with a 500 gpm and almost all are core soooooo whats actually the sad stat here?


                                      I'm like actually anxious for that facebook.
                                      I mean I gave you mine and even INSISTED for the friend invite. But, get owned.

                                      Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                        Please give us that facebook so that we can objectively determine how good or bad of a human being you are.


                                          Hold up, what nerdy ass niggas hit each other up on Facebook for a game of dota lmfao

                                          Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                            you've spent 11k hours of your life on dota (458 days on dota just to lie about being 5k) pretty sad tbh but you can stay mad if you want ill just take my +25 and continue to pity you

                                            im not saying i blame you for the way you are if i invested 458 days of my life in something and lost to someone better than me i could see how it could be disheartening

                                            basement :)

                                              TAW, you have 7k games. No-one with that many games has a life. Also, Facebook friends are meaningless.


                                                oo gladly.
                                                ill still wait for New Phone to show me how ugly, single, and pathetic the kid is.
                                                Normally, I don't bother. However, he tried really hard to try to 'get under my skin.' Which is some sad form of psychological dominance.
                                                Such a sad, sad kid.

                                                Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                                  A wise man once said that people behind anonimity becomes like savage beasts, always looking to hurt others with whatever method they find cuts deepest.
                                                  And how right he was.


                                                    Idk, This kid acted as if he was better in one way or another. Went from the games' stats, to being 'fat,' to wanting to see my profile. Sounds like a kid on the route to hanging himself pre-25 knowing there's nothing out there for him.

                                                    basement :)

                                                      Your mmr is automatically updated if your match history is exposed, which it is.

                                                      More games showing you are 4k mmr:


                                                      It is a different matter if you are discussing life, but for Dota, you out of all people should not be trash talking. 99.99% of the world climbs faster than you according to this (source: ).


                                                        @taw boy you look like a broke down Mario


                                                          Crazy how accurate your sources are considering im the same MMR in 2 diff games?
                                                          Please continue trying to pretend to be captain save-a-hoe.
                                                          Keep going though. It's entertaining.


                                                            Um, Pedro.
                                                            I'll stop there.

                                                            Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                              I am better though.... you spent 458 days of your life to hit 4k lie about being 5k just to lose to me..... and then you bring up my gpm average at 438 compared to yours at 536 where as i play support and offlane and you play core now im no expert but id say a support with 440 gpm is better than an exclusive core with 536

                                                              but for someone who doesnt care you still are thirsty for my attention <3 its ok i'm here for you

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                his item build alone should inform you that hes completely braindead, no hope of recovery


                                                                  I could easily comment on the 45% winrate and how your family of 12, you feel you need recognition on some forum... NO ONE uses. But, I'll just stop at... Pedro. Making South America proud I hope.

                                                                  basement :)

                                                                    Insane how accurate your sources are considering I am the same MMR in 2 diff games?

                                                                    It shows your current mmr not the mmr you had during that match. The point of those links was the average mmr. Across your solo ranked games, the average mmr was always around 4k mmr. I have yet to see a 5k average game.

                                                                    Your job earns you a 30k salary. Stop bragging.


                                                                      WHERE IS THIS PICTURE FROM NEW PHONE DOE?!? I can't start reading anything he says, until I see a pic.


                                                                        In the end you are both trash, so it doesn't matter much.

                                                                        Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                                          lol this is sad at this point you have to realize youre embarassing yourself now


                                                                            yeah, you're right. 30k salary at warner bros lol.
                                                                            Anyway, this is a waste a time considering everyone on this thread is below 4k.
                                                                            Gluck guys!

                                                                            I still want that pic... new phone. I'll reply once you have the balls to realize, that's you FOREVER.

                                                                            Gabba Gabba Games TTV


                                                                              you play like 10 games of dota a day please stop acting like you have a life ty.... but either way im going to go i hope you get the help you need buddy


                                                                                Damn this Nigga ugly asf

                                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                  Lul Dota drama

                                                                                  Won't care, Don't care. XD

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                                                                                      ROFL 30k salary sad he would think that is a lot. Also his FB says he was a fucking barista at Starbucks and currently a shop assistant at H&M (LIFE GOALS BOYS LIFE GOALS)


                                                                                        Wtf is this thread? And why the excessive autism?

                                                                                        Won't care, Don't care. XD

                                                                                          man, are you a dad?
                                                                                          how old are you?

                                                                                          you act like 17 y.o kid that rage so much from a "game" lul

                                                                                          you can just ignore this thread, but instead you replying here and posting some igga pic. Kappa

                                                                                          Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                                                                            LOSE!!!, I like yer Pinkie I do.


                                                                                              9 min midas pl with vlads. Pretty sure the new build is helm > aghs > diffusal or something.


                                                                                                Pretty sure the new thing is to not pick pl, he's a terrible


                                                                                                  Been like an hour where is this photo of this single ugly troll.


                                                                                                    Are we really ashamed of what we look like, son?


                                                                                                      No you should be ashamed of how your acting what a sad sad man.