General Discussion

General DiscussionTheory about why dota community is toxic

Theory about why dota community is toxic in General Discussion

    As the title suggest my theory would be ppl taking this game seriously and on the other hand, its a team game where nobody knows each other(solo mmr) so they can do whatever the fuck they want. This is different from basketball,football because we know each other from this sport. So why is dota more toxic than lol? Because majority of kids go to LOL and dont take the game seriously and we,dota player take mmr very seriously.

    < blank >

      Because it's the internet, people have bigger e-balls than their actual irl balls


        happens even in the real world, people as soon as they're anonymous they tend to do whatever they want like animals

        example mob mentality.


          nah, if you are bored of game you play everyday you become very nervous and angry because of some bad games (where you or your teammates played/picked bad) the best examples is people with nicknames like "carry or feed" " mid or feed" etc etc, some people so mad about losing so they start trolling and throwing games for people who are mad but still trying to win and thats make so much toxicity in games. Thats how it works. And many people who plays computer 2much probably have mental problems (people who go double mid or feed because someone takes his role/hero - crybabies )
          #rip english


            Competitiveness of the game + reliance on others = loss of sense of control (basic human psychological need)

            Failure in some games feel worse than others, just because how much you invest emotionally or how difficult and how emotionally punishing/rewarding. Imagine spending 40 mins doing everything right, but u lose one fight die once and you lose the game. It's unforgiving. Not many people can deal with that kind of stress


              GIFT Theory.


                Damn this muted guy is right, my e-balls are so heavy right now. Couldn't carry them irl for sure.


                  Or you could just limit your games per day and stop playing if you had 2 or 3 losing streak, take a break IDK 1 month or 1 week this is how I was able to reduce my toxicity but its not really gone like 100%.

                  People tend to be really toxic if they had consecutive bad games and still continue to play not taking a break and having a chill pill.

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Sometime the more toxic I became the better I am,I take teammate rune,use shrine without ask team (no need wait)
                    and I no wait team go kill alone all time and get all the exp myself!


                      Can confirm. I'd report lice tea if it were solo q. My life as an offlaner is so sad. I go to my shrine , already been used cuz he is shit jungler. All my bounty runes gone. I'm poor af. He comes out and carries the game and takes all the credit. Lul

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        Normally I take the T3 shrine or I decided to troll

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          Take off lane shrine will increase my farm speed about 5-10sec only

                          basement :)

                            They are toxic because I wrecked them all.


                              The difference between DotA and LoL is that LoL players are bunch of 10-20 years old retards while DotA community has 20+ years old retards. I prefer to play with 20+ retards since i hate kids. But in reality. Retardness in early stage of life can be fixable but its permanent if ur age is above 20


                                same as CS GO


                                  Cs is not as toxic as dota (i heard from my friend) maybe because csgo is not as teammate reliant as dota no matter how good you are if your 4 teammate is feeding its gg already no chance to win

                                  Won't care, Don't care. XD

                                    people became toxic because of their environment. dota2 community became so toxic because majority of the player are people who play in i-cafe, with badword and flame as their daily word, and bring that bad habit in to dota2 community.

                                    basement :)

                                      It is interesting how Battlefield does not have a toxic community.

                                      Won't care, Don't care. XD

                                        because they got no time for flame, lul.
                                        i never know how to use the chat system or mic in battleflied, get ingame, run to the objective, suddenly die, respawn, repeat.


                                          So true


                                            You know CS is not a F2P game right


                                              battlefield is casual game

                                              reason so many mad people in dota is because there's hundreds of factors for why you're dying or losing the game
                                              analysing is too hard so it's usually just easier to blame the team

                                              Won't care, Don't care. XD

                                                usually, people who can't accept losing or the fact they are bad just always try to find black goat to blame.

                                                in battlefield, there just too many people to accuse(50vs50?), and usually you die by your own, so you can't blame at battlefield.
                                                never really play cs:go, i usually play bot game, because i know i am lame at cs:go (after years not playing cs.)

                                                but in dota, it just 5v5, and if you die, you can just simply blame the hero next to you for not do anything to help you, and it will make you looks like you are a "victim", and the flame start from here.

                                                *based on my opinion and experience*


                                                  It sucks to lose in dota. Doesn't suck as much to die or lose in fps games like cs or battlefield.


                                                    Player 345068850

                                                      Its not true that dota 2 doesnt have any 10 yo fucktards.
                                                      Im 15 and some of my friends play dota are around the same age




                                                          also this is really true

                                                          Competitiveness of the game + reliance on others = loss of sense of control (basic human psychological need)
                                                          Failure in some games feel worse than others, just because how much you invest emotionally or how difficult and how emotionally punishing/rewarding. Imagine spending 40 mins doing everything right, but u lose one fight die once and you lose the game. It's unforgiving. Not many people can deal with that kind of stress

                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                            I am 1ice
                                                            I am jungler
                                                            I am always strong
                                                            I am always good at what I do
                                                            U are X laner
                                                            U should be good in X lane
                                                            IF U FAIL AT THE LANE YOU AWAYS GO I WILL FLAME YOU!

                                                            Won't care, Don't care. XD

                                                              ice can't flame
                                                              except you are lice

                                                              i just googled lice tea


                                                                There's a chance to fail in a lane because you lane with equals. In jungle u are only against yourself (and whoever pathetic comes to contest you. But let's be real, if u don't die you just shrine)


                                                                  I remember raping LC jungle as BH and having clinkz to rotate to the enemy jungle everytime LC respawns
                                                                  The LC went 0-6 and got her blink in 25 min
                                                                  Legend says he's still 1k


                                                                    I once successfully contested an lc. Delayed blink and all that. That lc still carried everyone to victory


                                                                      That's because you're on sub 1.5k bracket


                                                                        Not dissing you or anything but LC below 1.5k will get duel damages sooner or later because of positional stupidity reasons

                                                                        Ryan Gosling Fan

                                                                          Im Not toxic at all. only thing that makes me toxic is if someone use chatwheel Spam or 4k trash noobs Start to blame me.


                                                                            But you're also a 4k trash noob right xd

                                                                            Sugar Show

                                                                              Most of toxic people never request ganks, rotate lanes, buy situational items or spend 65 gold to prevent enemy ganks, they think all matches must always have good game conditions.


                                                                                Im only toxic if my team afk jungle at 50 min in the game


                                                                                  bws im actually VHS whatare u talking about. look at my games. 75% wr in vhs.


                                                                                    im toxic because it is cathartic