General Discussion

General DiscussionDragon knight

Dragon knight in General Discussion

    What are peoples opinions on dk. Personally I'm finding him to be a really strong hero right now that is hard to kill and can deal a lot of damage with just armlet and crystalis. He also seems to transition much better into a hard carry.


      good in proepr draft, i guess?

      why crystalys tho? get a sb first.

      casual gamer

        he is ok, although i would rather have necro / ember / weaver on my team almost always

        he is pretty cool to have on your team if you are sniper i would guess

        the hero is not particularly resilient to magical damage though, and eclipse / remnant / scythe type spells can probably wreck his shit


          @triplesteal because im not a dk player and I saw someone else do it with great success. Also its 1.5k dota so getting an initiation isnt really needed and with crystalis you do a ton of damage. Also because I was leaning more towards a late game carry than an initiator.

          casual gamer

            maelstroms more damage and MJ is more effective dps than straight crit rush and has more synergy with DKs kit

            casual gamer

              i wish people would stop buying AC and get bfly / skadi instead its like they do not understand how armor works or aren't reading his damn talents


                I do usually do go into Mj after crit.

                casual gamer

                  so most heroes want a mix of damage and IAS right

                  so a hero like PA has a lot of IAS from her blink, so she goes into damage items first. She might later go back for an AC, manta, or similar item, but only after probably deso, abyssal, and BKB

                  DK gets a ton of damage from armlet ~60, but a bit less IAS. Because the hero is STR and has no natural attack speed steroid, a mixed damage/ias item like maelstrom will give more dps than crystalis. in addition, maelstrom makes you farm faster due to being an AoE item. AoE items also synergize with your splash attack.


                    he is good with proper pick..
                    *pros: high armor
                    ranged attack range
                    splash dmg
                    spammeable long range-instant stun
                    good for early push
                    mov speed debuff fully stackable with UAM

                    low mov speed
                    low atk speed,
                    low hp (what make s him vulnerable to magic burst)
                    lvl dependency (need to be lvl 16 fast as posible)

                    he is not the faster, the tougher, the most damaging, doesnt have even the best stun in the game.. so, if u need something specific to fix a hole in your team, he most probably isnt a good hero

                    he is just average in everything, plus, he is VERY strong in mid.. he is good to be a head (as tank/ pusher), initiate a fight, and be a semi carry, but need backup in every strat..

                    he is bad to carry a game, to tank without supporting, to initiate without follow up

                    when u wanna play with him, mostly u need a hero like abbadon or omnikight, and a hard carry.


                      that hero is as dead as it gets

                      Riguma Borusu

                        spammeable long range-instant stun

                        long range-instant stun

                        range-instant stun

                        instant stun




                          Midlane DK is kind of garbage he can stay in the lane but he won't win the lane, safelane DK doesn't pay off, but maybe offlane DK or support DK is worth experimenting with.

                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                              He's not bad. Just depends on the picks.


                                @RPQ-sama is quick enough.. evadeable, but not easy to do
                                Kryptnyt i also agree with u, but he isnt that bad either


                                  drow triple safelane + dk mid and you could push as 5 at 10:00


                                    I wanna try armlet radiance bkb mjollnir skadi for the memes
                                    Ive already tried manta just to make more dragons.


                                      DK is good with the right draft as with any heroes.


                                        DK is good with the right draft as with any heroes.


                                          Dk + manta with Ck + aghanim. Best duo ever. Even aoe spells can't stop us.



                                            Why tf wud u do that with dk when u can do ck aghs with LUNA


                                              Well, we don't have luna on our team and just as you said, the more dragons the more merrier. All of us had silly builds anyway


                                                Sb dk to initiate is pretty legit. Also no crystalys pls


                                                  Dude stop pub memeing and get your mmr going

                                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                    1600 speed is same as other spell projectile, easy to disjoint by manta
                                                    and they made him look like farting
                                                    no more instant stun means dk is not failproof anymore
                                                    fucking sad shit
                                                    they should make it pierce bkb for the nerf when elder form