the bracket of the match is just the match's avg mmr. works the same for ranked and unranked hidden mmr.
normal skill= 1- 3200 mmr
high skill= 3200-3700 mmr
very high skill= 3700-10000 mmr
anyways, you've got 340 avg gpm and you die way too much with 49% winrate in 2k mmr
you're struggling in a bracket i think is impossible to lose a game in, you're not gonna get to vhs very likely
My solo mmr is 900+, and party 1k+. But when I play ranked matches, the avg mmr is likely 1.4k+ to 1.6k.
Why is this happening?
because at the far ends of mmr(really low mmr or really high mmr) there's not that many players, so matches will be 500-1000 away from your mmr.
example almost every game for a 7k is with 4-5ks instead of other 7ks
anyways, you've got 340 avg gpm and you die way too much
I think OP is a support player, that's explain his avg gpm
I think OP is a support player, that's explain his avg gpm
what, that's a bullshit excuse to play terrible.
that's not supporting, that's supporting the enemy
TBD MMR: you just play with good KDA/hero damage.
By actual MMR: calibrated MMR has to be 3800+.
I went from 2k, so I know, where are these boundaries.
Normal - below ~3200
High - higher than ~3200, but less than ~3800
VHS - higher than ~3800.
If your party MMR is significantly lower, than your solo (like mine), then in normal MM you'll still get just High skill, but VHS in ranked.
just git gud lel, i know this thing is dead but this is the most relevant stup*d annoying phrase for you
keep winning till u reach 3.7 rating and then the game will show as very high skilled (even if they are extremely low skilled but if its your goal thats what u have to do)
I learned his the hard way. As an NS player, I always thought that I should be HS or VHS. But when my friends, and some DOTABUFF players were commenting on my games, I realized that I have a lot to learn and improve on. Work hard, watch videos, study the game.
TL;DR: Git gud
VHS is filled with people who shouldn't be VHS and wont be for long, usually you can get it by simply avging around 8.00 kda in ns and hs games. It should be harder to get tho.
Dental techinician man i didnt understand anything pls do u reveal subject. How can i get more core role and vhs.
Normal matchmaking is cancer, lots of 4-stacks and people rated way higher than they should be, cause of smurfing
Personally i only play normal mm when stacking with my noob friends, fun times, even though i lose 80% of the time xd
I don't know how I got into vhs bracket, last time was high, then very high, then high again. Now I got 6 very high skill streak. Just play as good as you can. That's all
my skill dominate with HS, i do not play rank coz i still got level 15 in dota, and the thropy experince is 48. how much my mmr tbd avrg u guys think?
No one can tell, its still base on your performance so if you fail in calibration then, you'll get low mmr.
Can someone explain me.
I`m around 2.7K (solo) and 2.3K (party), yet i still playing againtsplayers around 3.6K? and yea, I`m in High Skill Bracket...
How matchs is classified? And how can i get Very High Skill Bracket? Is it just MMR? Like if i get a higher MMR i necessarily will get this Bracket?