General Discussion

General DiscussionRoad to 2k is done boys

Road to 2k is done boys in General Discussion

    I have achieved 2k, i feel like god and i got there with 1 month of dedication. I went from 1600 to 1999 in last 8 days i started to really play ranked after 7.00 comes and i spam 2k with luna. Big thanks to my parent who have left me at home for 8 days and give me free time playing dota


      gratz fam, luna is truly a great hero


        Gj, deserved
        Pretty sure you can reach at least 2.5k with your current performances

        1-IceTea 🌟

          One of luna outfit is so sexy


            Luna is sexy*


              Tnx guys licetea which one is it? I must buy it with my soul. Im playing luna till she get nerf and spam jugg instead


                Watch my jugg games and you'll get to 3k easily


                  Good job.


                    My strat to get to 2k is farm and farm and farm. Get ahead by 25-30 min and win games occasionally join teamfight. After manta ill push after we win a teamfight and get barracks. Rensin promised to coach me :(
                    Tdlr: farm till have manta and win teamfight then end


                      my bad, you can ask some advice from the seatards
                      but anyways, try to follow jdf8's luna build


                        Wanna get coached by me to listen to shits you already know?


                          i can coach u how to be 3600 while still being complete dogshit at the game


                            >complete dogshit
                            >wrecks me 1v1 mid
                            What am I


                              Wait Bryant lost to Alice 1v1 Mid?




                                  tbf to him he played at 180 ping so i dont rly wanna brag about it xD


                                    I believe that my luna build is the best among the best its eblade to dagon. Jk its actually hotd treads dlance manta bkb/butter then either 1 that u havent chose and skadi/satanic


                                      u can still change ur mind and ruin ppl's lives instead if u play techies btw

                                      i can help u with that

                                      LISAN AL GAIB

                                        Standard build yeah...I personally prefer Skadi before butter due to the slow and makes you pretty tanky and the damage is pretty decent. Good job tho...lets just hope that Volvo doesnt nerf Luna hard :(


                                          nice luna spam bro. im proud. also a bit of a weird skill build, but you're doing fine


                                            Have you seen my 1-4-4-0 luna? Lmao


                                              I suck at 1v1 mid anyway
                                              I kept outCSing nearly every single guy I played against and still only won one of them


                                                Let the bouncing begin.


                                                  Grats man


                                                    I will reach you soon heh


                                                      jokes on you bws, 1-4-4-0 is what i go most games :p

                                                      you just tell supports to create space while you freefarm, all that free farm gives you levels and by the time you get your lvl 4 lucent + 2 ult you're pretty farmed up.

                                                      imo putting 4 into lucent beam and 1 into ult to use it 2-3 times in the course of 10 minutes is a giant waste of levels, as luna doesn't fight much without items.


                                                        Dream Green M'lord


                                                          I do the 4-4-1-1 at lv 10 and i dont take talent until i get lv 11. The reason why i level my ult is some idiots just walk uphill to take my bounty rune. So i jusrt ult and bam they are dead


                                                            People say me about 1 month ago that im not good enough for 2k and atm my winrate is 40% with only 30 games on rank. Now i have 60%win rate and reach 2k from 1.2k mmr in about 90 games feelsgoodman.
                                                            Edit my asia server game is actually 322 lol


                                                              grats m8

                                                              just remember that in order to really improve, know the mechanics of the game and understand it along the way. It's hard to do that when you spam a hero since you're just getting 1 perspective.


                                                                Ehh spamming forces you to play around your counter, which also improves your skill overall, so it's kinda 50/50 imo


                                                                  ^The experience is still different if you know how all the heroes are played. Once you get the feel of all heroes, you'll have an easier time playing against them.


                                                                    Yeah i know that, i was in a time rush where my parent was going to other country for 8 days. So i set a goal that i will reach 2k in 8 days. So i picked the strongest hero that can push like crazy, And i picked luna. Well now i start playing anything that i want to play. I learn a lot though from my last 2 games. How to position correctly and rat doto


                                                                      Sounds great m8. Hope you get to 3k soon :)


                                                                        He definitely can reach 3k
                                                                        If a trash like me who only has 61% ranked winrate in 2k can survive and climb 3k, I'm sure he can do it


                                                                          Just don't let your ego clog your mind and you gucci


                                                                            "climb" 3k smh


                                                                              Survive and climb


                                                                                You guys really want me to get back to that account don't you
                                                                                So fucking salty xd