General Discussion

General Discussion(Shit post) what do you think about 4th position viper

(Shit post) what do you think about 4th position viper in General Discussion

    So as the title says I was was thinking about unusual roaming heros .

    Would a roaming support viper with OoV maxing Q be a threat to some line ups .

    Would itemizing along the line ( orb - urn - arcana - mek into a late game possible diffusal/scythe) be good ?

    I just want to hear your opinion (especially support players)


      what, how would he even fill the position 4

      your idea makes no sense at all

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        Wind Lace instead of VenomOrb
        Don't raise 3rd if don't have to

        Then it goes Tranquil Boots, Wind Lace, Drums, casual mini desostone
        Then you want Blink Dagger
        If you have mana issues bring Clarity or raindrops
        Need smoke to work more in daytime though

        Just theorycrafting right?


          I know I doesn't make sense at all that why I titled as Shit post:)

          @cheap laugh guys
          Yeah just theorycrafthing but why blink , I guess viper strike is easy to lank without blink and drums seems good

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Viper Strike isn't easy to land for me in VHS
            It's only 500 range or sth
            Maybe NS people isn't that aware of map and surrounding you can abuse that and get them
            You can always replace it with Force Staff as a safer option if you can initiate without Blink then you have an escape plan to force away
            Can be upgraded to Pike which is good

            I wouldn't call this pos 4 viper shit
            In NS you can do anything as long as it's not 5 carry team with 3 or 2 hard carries in it

            Oh the purpose of drum is to actually use its active and bring some teammates to walk up for a gank
            You can skip it for Force staff if you're doing good and have the GPM momentum


              i dont think about position 4 viper


                What I was thinking about is how frustrating will it be if you have to play vs a decent midlander (qop sf tinker) while a viper camping this Lane as a support


                  it wouldn't, as that midlaner would be losing exp and viper is terrible at trading hits without levels

                  so you pretty much just kill the slow ass snek and type ''ez mid''

                  the realm's delight

                    kinda the same shit as roaming pa which has worked before
                    problem is viper has worse ms than her so


                      So total Shit no hope , well thank you guys I learned few more stuffs today


                        terrible. I've done this before vs purge actually, he made a video. we lost.


                          The only position 4 Viper that works is when the enemy teams get that dumb player that picks Legion jungle and you go piss all over her. She cries for help and if they come, you buy free farm for all your cores. If they don't, they basically play 4v5 for the rest of the game. I recommend getting level 2 first so you can have anti-attack passive as well, so she's double screwed if she attempts to fight back. This takes a zoning Viper to a whole new level of assholedom.