General Discussion

General DiscussionAnswer me

Answer me in General Discussion

    Can someone tell me why I cant trust my teammates?. Based on my bracket?am I noob?


      Why woild you trust them actually
      Let's take an example
      You make space for your carry
      You ward around the jungle so your carry can farm the jungle safely
      Guess what
      He went yolo and went 1v4, dies, flames you, repeat, gets his BF 30 minutes in, more death, more flames, and


        1. you're literally asking others why YOU cant do something instead of asking yourself
        2. feeling bad about not being as good as others and asking if you're a noob or not is really a waste of thought. no pro players started pro and non of these 5k+s in here were as much from start it's a matter of time and effort you'll grow eventually the speed tho is up to you. i think cookies climbed from 1k to 5k in 1.5 years


          and honestly the lowest place where i felt like when i communicate ppl actually listen even if they play terribly was 3k+ . i wouldnt w8 for someoneto give me a tango and i wont ask for cor if nobody gets it i get it myself in these situations. i dont communicate but i wont mute either maybe l8er in ganks and missings and stuff it helps and they might wanna say something to me. but the first word of flaming and i mute


            based on your bracket yes you are noob (just as me)

            you don't trust your teammate to do amazing stuffs because that make it easier for you to focus on improving your skill and being the game maker


              Somehow someway I kept getting safelane without anyone contesting it by picking stupid shits XD


                "Don't TRUST. Doubt" Kaiki Deishu Monogatari Series Second Season Episode 22.


                  Mid lane is more contested dude. I tried to go ember mid, but someone who had like 5 games of dota played wanted to go drow mid. He sapped my xp for like 8 min while my team flamed ME. The ONE CASE WHERE SOMEHOW I HAD MORE EXPERIENCE! And a better mid pick. Im done.


                    @The Rider wait dude im not a noob just tards xD hahaha just kidding I think Im still noob ahha


                      uhave trust issues. u must learn to embrace your teammates


                        im put im 390 mmr rankeds on caibration and actualy dont give a shit if lose or win caluse i dont want wasste energy on those retards so i dont trust no one currently
                        ps: u are never noob , your team let u down

                        GRANT MACDONALD

                          If you dont trust your teammates, you're playing the wrong game.

                          Shit happens. people feed. Amazing how when after a bad play or failed gank, a simple 'my bad, thats on me' or when your teammate feels bad, you say: "Np, we'll get them next time" does for improving the atitude of a game.
                          I had a game recently where were deathballing them hard and only had a lane of rax left but they had a sniper, dusa and invoker and were damned near impossible to HG against. The enemy AA must have fed 15 midlane kills out of frustration for his team playing poor early but they seriously could have won the game

                          Story Time

                            why do you trust US to answer this question?