General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes luna need a nerf

Does luna need a nerf in General Discussion

    Despite me loving luna, i feel like there need to be some nerf.
    >moon glaives no longer effect building.
    > lv 25 talent nerf from 15 all stats to 10 or 12 all stats


      Moon glaives to no longer affect buildings would be an overkill.

      Reduce the damage multiplier on glaives instead.

      Reduce the Lucent beam cast range by 100 to make her laning even harder.

      Reduce base ms by 7 or so.


        Well have you seen a luna killing your tower while clearing creepwave and damaging enemy? Hitting a rax and you kill both rax in 0.1 sec?she already deal enough damage to building. Nerfing it means buffing jugg too because they both will deal the same building damage. Lucent beam needs no nerf actually. Its actually her ult that makes her near op. Eclipse scale well till late game. If you reduce the damage multiplier she will be dogshit and cant be played because it is her main farming ability and hero damage ability.

        casual gamer


          1-IceTea 🌟

            bounce dmg reduce
            Base dmg reduce


              We only need eclipse nerf and moon glaives not effect building


                nerf plz


                  Moon glaives not affectinf buildings is like removing some of the definition of luna. Just reduce the dmg of glaive bounces on buildings instead of take it away. Or reduce ger attack range so she has to get closer to the tower to siege highground. Actually both.


                    @daddy holy shit that is actually a great idea. Her attack range reduce means nothing actually. I have so many situation where 2-3 enemy chasing me and i reach the highground at the river and turn around casting ult killing everyone. It just sad how bad is jugg compared to luna. The top picks for pro player pos 1 is luna or lifestealer. Ls is good no matter what because his infest is very good and cant be nerf. I would like to see the top pick is jugg luna ls gyro actually

                    one syllable anglo-saxon



                        Gyro was a better luna
                        Now it's the opposite
                        Actually any hero is bad compared to luna
                        A one dimensional hero getting first picked in both pro scene and pub games should tell you something

                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                          I say we nerf Luna...

                          when I get back to 4.1k.


                            Jugg is still picked you mong0l0id. Luna is just SPAMMED. In coming up with ideas that wont actually cripple the hero into oblivion that happens so frequently in nerfing. Im pretty sure that although eclipse is strong it isnt what breaks the hero, and thats the aura and glaives farming and shit. I guess i wud nerf her agi gain back to 2.9 and lower her movespeed by 10. Reduce glaives dmg on buildings to 40% instead of 60%.


                                Honestly i'd want to give her a small nerf but with a meta shift instead. Might bring heroes back from the grave

                                But that wont happen since 7.xx has only been up for 2 months with nothing major happening yet