General Discussion

General DiscussionHuskar Boots

Huskar Boots in General Discussion

    Tbh i dont find any boots to be needed. He usually doesnt want to buy treads over fast armlet, and after armlet anything you would get from tranqs, phase, or treads is already given to you. He doesnt need mana for arcanes, so should i just chill with brown boots until tp boots or what? Also ive been toying with the idea of buying guardian greaves as a 3rd or 4th item against silences or shit like amp damage that you need to purge. Something like armlet pike halberd greaves
    Or armlet pike greaves
    Maybe armlet pike satanic greaves
    Or armlet pike ac greaves
    I dunno.


      except he doesn't have a stun or any reliable way of keeping someone in place, except from his ultimate slow. meaning he's easy to kite as fuck

      you don't need upgraded boots, but you do need brown boots, and in most games a windlace.

      anyways, guardians is bad on him as he doesn't benefit much from it

      5k gold for mana which he won't use, small amount of armor and a mediocre heal(for him).

      he's a pos 1-2 hero, so greaves is a terrible idea.

      as a pos 1-2 hero one of your primary roles is to be a high damage dealer and a pusher.

      you can't do damage nor push if you wasted 5k gold on an item that doesn't help either.


        I didnt even realize how much they cost holy shit. But yeah of course he needs brown boots but never saw a use from upgrading them till tp boots


          How much greaves cost


            5275 g

            if you're buying greaves for just that reason, why not get bkb instead? you said yourself you don't need arcanes


              Because sometimes you want to meme with greaves. the real reason for greaves is when you get low you get BONUS REGEN THE HUSKAR SYNERGY


                I mean veil huskar sounds interesting, but the rest makes me cringe rlly hard. Btw does huskar need the lifesteal talent? Cuz the way ive seen it is that with the lifesteal and ur dmg u keep ur own hp too high when farming so u end up farming slower and dpsing less cuz ur hp is higher than it needs to be. Of course sometimes you need it but when ur winning isnt dmg better?

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  For player that aren't good for any hero, Don't do any meme build because your normal try hard played is already a meme to better player


                    Speak english licetea


                      No boots ? ok


                        Definitely Phase boots. U'll have much attack speed ok, but u also should have some damage to go with that.


                          Brown boots


                            Why buy gg boots when u can buy satanic. You dont really use your 1st skill to farm so it will be available in every fight. Also armlet morbid mask to phase boots is the best boots build.

                            Fee Too Pee

                              as huskar player i just sad atm. huskar right now just.... urgh.... weak.
                              i usually complete PT after armlet + brown + wand + morbid. extra str and attack speed at full health

                              and then halberd then cuirass / satanic.
                              huskar supposed to be strong in this always fight meta but kited as fuck

                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                Never buy GG on Huskor. I think I did once in a tilt 5man carry game, but I did it so we have some kind of support and it worked a bit.... but in a real game, you will just have wasted TONS of gold.

                                Keep Brown Shoes, get a Wind Lance too since you will need the extra MS for a while. Build damage since he naturally has AS from his Passive.

                                Also, you don't really need to level his ult higher than 1 for a while, so before leveling ult to 2, level your other skills first.


                                  boots of speed


                                    well he needs movememt speed to gank properly, so i always tale treads and wind lace and after armlet is done i go ganking. maybe brown boots is fine though.

                                    I always took the lifesteal talent, but now i think the attack speed talwnt is better... it also gives you more lifesteal since at this stahe you should habe morbid, but also more burning, so i guess attack speed is better

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      idk why anyone would be against phase of tranquil boots

                                      Only 500g upgrade over brown boots, tranqs even broken have 10 more move speed and 3 armor. Huskar could use armor since he's kind of susceptible to physical dmg. Compared to a wind lace maybe it doesn't seem that hot but it doesn't take an extra slot. I haven't played huskar in forever but he seems to build a lot of cheaper items for his slots like armlet, morbid mask/helm of the dominator, dragon lance, maybe a halberd, crystalis? He could run out of slots fast.

                                      Phase are a lot more expensive but the 24 dmg syncs really well with huskars attack speed.

                                      casual gamer

                                        casual gamer

                                          it REMOVES MELD STRIKE (WOW)


                                            I'm a 500 mmr huskar