General Discussion

General Discussionreasoning for shivas on tinker

reasoning for shivas on tinker in General Discussion
casual gamer

    id like some discussion on this

    -aoe flying vision
    -200 damage + slow, disables blinks
    -attack slow aura
    -30 int

    why would you buy this? it reveals your positioning, but mostly i just cant imagine wanting it more than sheep/dagon in 90% of games

    is the largest benefit disabling blinks? aghs laser rocket already does this in most circumstances

    analytical analizer

      makes u reasonably tanky with bs

      casual gamer

        thats cool i guess

        if u have spell lifesteal it gives you 300 hp if you hit a creepwave

        the laser damage is so good though


          far faster wave clear maybe
          idk you dont die that easily with shiva after you use it
          i think it's pretty gud in some games


            shiva rapes teamfights, thats it imo.. i don't think people build shivas nowadays except as a lategame slot (against negative armor or to slow shit down)

            casual gamer

              every item tinker buys "rapes teamfights"

              i buy screst on heroes against ta, slardar

              i buy force staff against ursa, i buy euls against axe

              none of these on tinker obviously

              i just mean theres no situation that makes me go "time to build shivas ez win" on tinker,
              and would like to know what makes good players buy it.


                I played as ck vs shiva tinker and was really frustrating


                  You can't really get close against a shivas, even less with a shivas spam


                    none of these on tinker obviously

                    why not though


                      You push in lanes incredibly fast, shivas>rearm>shivas and back into the backpack. Also good versus some illusion heroes.

                      casual gamer

                        ur extremely limited on slots. euls costs too much mana for its utility and is a cheap slot eater. solar crest is trash. force i buy if i have to


                          @analytical analizer bs + shivas makes tinker a bit tanky, but anyway, u dont want to get catch using tinker, doesnt matter how tanky u are..

                          @JDF8 agreed, why does eul wasten more mana than sheepstick.. f*ck logic.. i hate when he perma chiken me and then shot (dagon) again again and again until a'm dead..

                          Visita Hari Danta

                            Night vision probably

                            casual gamer

                              i can picture some crazy scenario where they have no stuns so tinker just goes blademail shiva octarine and kills everyone with spell lifesteal on aoe and blademail

                              had some 6k try it on the enemy team but he didnt go shiva so he melted to physical damage

                              Giff me Wingman

                                It makes you tanky, also helps pushing very fast lanes, which is a huge thing lategame.


                                  i buy for push lanes and farm better and ofc for dmg and slow but mainly for push and farm


                                    I cannot answer .. U are very high skilled player! Wish i were good like op :-(


                                      Tbh shivas is good when the only option the enemy has of confronting you is running at you. Imo its biggest value is when you can kite the shit out of someone. Also abt tinker, when do u upgrade ghost scepter?


                                        Hmm yea. Wat blunt said n also only reason I can think of is if u really want more aoe dmg


                                          gives vision when going for a solo kill <- very underrated aspect

                                          casual gamer

                                            i'm finally winning with this damn hero

                                            3 wins to 50%


                                              like i wouldnt buy solar ever either but i think that force euls are pretty good in certain situations if you make hex at some point
                                              no melee rightclicker can kill your team, ever


                                                maybe it's not exactly gamewinning but i'd trigger enemy ursa for sure LMAO


                                                  cyclon force = never buy them unlezs u rly rly need force
                                                  items u should always look for is bloodstone after blink
                                                  after bloodstone 20 -25 min i farm up to 35 min dagon lvl 5 and shiva or eth