General Discussion

General DiscussionAny idea? Cookie can u answer this?

Any idea? Cookie can u answer this? in General Discussion

    What if I calibrated solo mmr at 3.8 /vhs.
    Then my solo mmr dropped down to 2.4 /NS.
    Now if I play normal matchmaking shud it be still VHS or changed to NS nmm?


      they would still be vhs, ranked doesnt affect normal


        I see, so mmr doesnt matter on your normal matchmaking, instead they based your skill or final bracket calibration?


          VHS, the last normal matchmaking game you played before calibrating will be where you continue, you just pick up where you left off. Same goes for if you get someone else to do your calibration games and he boosts you from 2k to 4k in calibration your unranked games will still be 2k.


            My first match in my tbd mmr


            Its around 3.2kmmr/high skill

            My 3rd game


            Around 3.8k/vhs