General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I win mid against tinker with a right click core

How do I win mid against tinker with a right click core in General Discussion
El Chivo

    Is it even posible


      I think jugg can defeat him… might be wrong tho

      Серый Камень

        Skywrath Mage lvl 3, Pudge lvl 3, Arc Warden lvl 6, QoP lvl 6, Alchemist lvl 2, LC lvl 2, Lina lvl 6, Nyx lvl 3, Zeus?


          Lmao tinker in 2k be like oh i need max lazer max missile and go for 4401. Just play very safely or push wave when tinker is taking runes. Just check tinker mana and calculate the damage so you wont die.

          El Chivo

            RIGHT CLICK CORE

            Y'know like Clinkz, DK, Dusa...

            LC and alche? Really?

            (sub 3k player here btw)

            Серый Камень

              Clinkz cant do nothing.
              Agreed with Dusa, DK.
              LC can dispell laser, Allch - spray ez lane

              Just check my profile

              Серый Камень

                Tiny seems good


                  Dusa eats tinker mana so its very good. You can dodge missle with invs as clinks(maybe?). Dk can just tank the damage. Once tinker spend all of his mana on missle and laser just salve up and sit in the lane

                  El Chivo


                    What is the best matchup to beat the shit of tinker mid? I mean, other mid heros, you know here in 2k you arent going to find a decent support rotation or somebody caring about helping you to win your lane

                    Серый Камень

                      Good tinker didnt use rockets to harass :) Laser, laser, laser

                      Серый Камень

                        Very good vs tinker is Nyx, Tinker should play careful against him. And Alchemist, just farm items and push towers :) if tinker maxed his nukes he cant defend the tower.


                          do urself a favor and dont ask for advice here thx

                          El Chivo

                            le tinker spammer guy actually gave good advices

                            Серый Камень

                              kek, just improve ur skill, dont feed tinker and win games, GL!

                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                They told you how to deal in early game,how I let u know in later stage.
                                When tinker got his BoT thy will fly around map,you should ambush in place where tinker are likely to go. (wait at place he will likely to blink to after the TP,or 2k tinker don't blink,idc)
                                Stun nuke him,if can't find a way to deal with the laser miss.
                                Predict and position yourself to where tinker will go is the key.
                                BE THERE BEFORE HE GO THERE.

                                Серый Камень

                                  48% winrate - i dont mind ur 5,7k


                                    see this is why u dont ask for advice in dotabuff

                                    last time i did some normal skill guy just kept on bragging about his games nonstop lulululul

                                    casual gamer

                                      i have 73% winrate this month actually

                                      El Chivo

                                        that permasheep build is bullshit tho. If you are the only one on your team who can actually kill things that fucks your game up. You go bkb but then tinker just jumps on you before you get you bkb on and youre ded.

                                        what do


                                          Tinker shits on alch pre level 6 wtf


                                            Playing tinker vs alch you just run up to his highground and lazer him. He will be forced to run away and will miss every creep. You need to dominate him early tho because when alch gets a couple levels he can just push the lane out with spray


                                              Medusa is the only option, however it requires ward on mid.


                                                arc warden, TA


                                                  Viper. Harass that fucker out of lane.

                                                  Story Time

                                                    medusa has generally lower advantage versus tinker - check dotabuff - 1,59% difference


                                                      dota is cancer get used to it


                                                        ask ur team to rape him. Tinker too stronk

                                                        Ryan Gosling Fan

                                                          ^ wtf tinkers winrate vs Medusa is 44 %


                                                            You don't


                                                              no one knows tinker here i have 5000 games with him back off shits


                                                                go fucking jugg midd if u lose u retard