General Discussion

General DiscussionSlardar & CM Midas

Slardar & CM Midas in General Discussion
Kaiki Deishu

    So guys is it ok to build Midas on Slardar and CM after Blink Dagger? You know for level boost and reliable gold.


      yes, it is ok, in some games


        i dont think that at the point where you get blink on cm midas makes much sense...when you get blink you are already 20-30 minutes in the game and then you might want to look for a bkb to get your ulti off as best as possible?

        1-IceTea 🌟

          Only get it if you know your teammate can at least hang on the game on the period of you farming Midas

          Kaiki Deishu

            Ohhhh ok so it's depends on what's the current time of the game if it's early 20 min or below so its ok.

            A real shame I can't see what time I got Dag and Midas on my games here on Dotabuff

            1-IceTea 🌟

              ^It can

              Kaiki Deishu

                How I can't see them or I'm just blind T_T

                Ave with an internet pfp

                  For me i avoid getting mida most of the time after the 16 min


                    You do not rush bkb on cm. NEVER.
                    Force staff, euls, glimmer cape.

                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                      You do not rush bkb on cm. NEVER.
                      Force staff, euls, glimmer cape.

                      This is not true. If there is a Silencer & 3 - 4 stunners/heavy magic users, the sooner you get bkb, the better.

                      If you do not get bkb, do not bother leveling your ult since 2 seconds of R does jackall.

                      Glimmer is always nice, but if the 3 - 4 stunners happen to be Slardar (which this meta is usually the case) He will R your squishy ass, deny your ult, and take you out of the fight before you can say "I'm a good little teacup".


                        Cm is not a carry, you need utility items to save your teammates/ yourself. Good job you bought a bkb, then their Sven hits you twice and you die, thank god you got your 3400 gold item when a euls/ force/ glimmer cape which all cost much less can stop that. It's not like you initiate with your ult.
                        If you are a good cm you'll know when to ult, and where to ult. You should not need a rushed bkb to be useful.


                          @Pedro there is no sven in every game..


                            @sarllo alright kid
                            Ta, Sven, troll, slark, jug, am, morph, alch, ck, pa.
                            Just a few off the top of my head who will shit on a cm bkb.
                            When if you go force, euls, or glimmer then you will have way more survivability.
                            And also slander can just right click you with his passive bash to stop cms ult through bkb.
                            It's honestly auto report if my cm goes bkb over wards/ utility


                              i agree, you'd be stupid to rush bkb on a cm

                              you're not a carry and your job isn't to be the main DPS in a teamfight.

                              your job is to support, know your place


                                midas is fine. just make sure you get useful items like force and glimmer.

                                Kaiki Deishu

                                  Ok noted guys I dont really rush bkb on my CM tho its like my last item on her usually I build Euls if there's silence, Force staff, Glimmer or SB.

                                  I'll try to speed up my Dagger and Midas if possible.


                                    Glimmer force euls blink boots lotus orb


                                      its ok on CM if you have two supports and no jungler. Its not ok to then ignore support items (unless you are pubing in 2k-3k, in which case nothing matters).

                                      also, i personally like aether lens better than euls on her.. but thats just me

                                      Kaiki Deishu

                                        Talking about Aether Lens is it ok to partner it up with Blink Dagger?