General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker DEAD?

Invoker DEAD? in General Discussion

    When buff invoker? What you think guys?


      PLS NO there are still people boosting accounts with invokeer



        Story Time

          it is not a bad hero, it is the mentality of players who like playing him, they are pretty sili rambos with autistic syndrome

          Negative Mental Attitude

            buffing him would actually lower his wr, because more braindead retards would first pick him

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              I played dota all along not trying to learn invoker's skills
              What has changed actually?
              I never played invoker, only played against him a lot.
              The only thing I felt different is his skills are lower CD now but feels a bit weaker

              Bill Cutting

                Can someone explain how he was nerfed besides the int gain and one less forged spirit?

                Seems like the nerf was exaggerated cuz I still see many players picking invoker


                  His laning phase is better than before, and so is his late game but his mid game is terrible.

                  fear is the mind killer

                    ^^ horse are you serious ? Orbs don't give attributes anymore


                      pedro u have no right to talk #mexican#taco#sucks

                      Bill Cutting

                        @soeeasy pls explain

                        fear is the mind killer

                          Leveling orbs used to give stats along with the passive (damage, hp regen and move/attack speed)
                          Qwas gave strgh wex gave agi and exort gave int.

                          Now, they don't


                            As someone who tries in vain to chase level 25 invokers
                            With a Shapeshifed Lycan, i hope not


                              Hes pretty much alive


                                Invoker picker = cancer

                                So many autistic kids want to play this hero to try landing "wow combos'


                                  Can anyone explain why do people still put points into Exort?


                                    invoker's still rolling and doing pretty fine


                                      invoker dead ebd pls


                                        invoker dead ebd pls


                                          how do you play him?
                                          you press two buttons and you're out of mana


                                            >you go for a euls combo wombo build
                                            >you farm 5 min midas and have 100 lh by min 11
                                            >you get the euls
                                            >you feel like the king of the hill, you are just able to decide who's gonna die next all by yourself
                                            >you eul enemy sf
                                            >no mana left for any spells after the euls
                                            >hang urself in the closet


                                              euls build is fucking shit


                                                yeah, also have u heard of the twin towers being destroyed by a terrorist attack, and the dinosaurs disappearing?

                                                the realm's delight

                                                  no its not shit


                                                    there s a certain ambiguity about eul invoker being shit or not being shit, but there s no ambiguity about you


                                                      tomorrow 8:45? or was it today I forgot xd


                                                        it was today, and we had extra ppl anyways


                                                          like me for example


                                                            triplesteal halt mal deine fresse du blödes drecksschwanzgesicht. keiner will deinen dummern arschkommentare hören. bitte lass dich vergewaltigen und danach bring dich selber um, danke!


                                                              He havent get to dark moon level 15 miracle invoker

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                if you think invoker is dead go play dark moon


                                                                  Dark moon invoker = 6.86 invoker


                                                                    I get the feeling no one in this thread gets drafted against those Invokers who try hard land wombo combos and carry the living hell out of their team with macro skills.

                                                                    Fyi: Tornado into Ice Wall is the new bitch slap in dota.

                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      people put points into exort to utilize alacrity yes?


                                                                        Ye not sure how many. Also its not bad to get some exort to help lh imo, i have trouble without it but maybe thats me. Also dont u still take double forge spirit at 15? Cuz it helps with that too. Xp and gold gain always seem bad to me. Ur missing out on a large immediate power spike for a couple levels gradually. I rather take a meaningful talent and abuse its power spike for more advantage. But thats just my thinking.


                                                                          i thought people mostly do exort and wex lol maybe its only w33 or some other famous players idk

                                                                          Doidêra Neto

                                                                            You can't rely that much on damage to lh's. Also, Invoker without exort is a different hero and better suited to 7.00+. Just rush an Urn and keep killing'em all (3/7/0 build - dmg, xp, +7, aoe, db)