General Discussion

General DiscussionIs this account real or bought?

Is this account real or bought? in General Discussion


    So ended up against this guy in an unranked game earlier and about halfway through he started flaming about how he couldn't believe he was losing to 2k scrubs. I figured he must be high 2k or 3k but I checked after the match and he was 4.1k so first of all, how does a 4k player end up in a match where most people were 1-2k and at least two or three were sub 1k(matchmaking on DXB server is all kinds of retarded). Secondly, is it conceivable in any situation that a 4.1k invo would get destroyed in lane by a 1.5k TA, by sheer dumb luck if nothing else? That 1.9k party MMR is also mighty suspicious so what is it, genuine 4k or bought/boosted account?

    Story Time

      he is just silly player, nothing to see here, happens


        i've lost matches in sub 1k, nothing wrong with losing a couple games


          Why is his most recent solo ranked games NS. Isn't 4.1k VHS?


            That guy is similar to me. Look at my account. I got 4.1k solo mmr on this acc and 1.8k party. Check some of my last invoker games (party, 2.3k avg) and then check some of my vhs games (solo,4.1k avg). U would notice that i was doing poor on my invoker games but on almost all other normal skill games i was straight up stomping the enemy and in vhs i do ok, some times stomping and sometimes getting stomped. the thing is i dont really care that much about party mmr and thats why i like to try some heroes that i never play and i really dont give a shit if we lose. Sometimes i dive like a retard in lower mmr games and end up throwing the game :D


              dotabuff didn't parse it

              it was party:

              1-IceTea 🌟

                Sometime I lose game even if I try hard in 3.3K average,Dota below 7K just won by 'team that make lesser mistake'
                You make silly mistake your team make mistakes you lost simple as that.

                Riguma Borusu

                  Sometimes it is possible to lose games 2k avg bellow your MMR if you cannot adapt to what you have to do to win the game. I know I have lost sub 2k games because I had no fucking idea how to go 1v5 every game if I want to win every game, since my playstyle has always focused on being complementary rather than winning alone.


                    OK, fair enough I guess.


                      how can this account be real if your eyes arent real


                        that happens in literally every MOBA.