General Discussion

General DiscussionPosition 1 RIKI

Position 1 RIKI in General Discussion

    Been climbing from 3300 to 4200 for the last two weeks on safe lane Riki , got 78% win rate and 8.5 KDA, the hero is deadly and if played right is just flawless.
    Nevertheless, pub folks tend to flame and be negative about safelane Riki but most of the time they say nothing when game ends with enemy's defeat AS IF it would happen anyways ( win i.e. )
    So , your thoughts, boiz?
    Here is the link to my second profile :

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Is this Don's smurf?

      edit: Sorry I guess not he doesn't really go tranquil and Echo sabre


        I beg pardon ?

        1-IceTea 🌟

          You never met a jungler that is good like myself boiz.What if I said I can kill ur riki in 1sec?

          1-IceTea 🌟

            ^^ He just referred to another player that have Dog face as his PP,that dog spam riki also


              No worries man , I met jungle kids on wks and ursas, they were 3-4 lvls ahead of me early game but got their asses whooped eventually

              Story Time

                i believe in Riki :D
                Actually looks like you create a lot of space and your team has 1-2 hard carries who can use it. So well played! But not sure how is the enemy not countering you with proactive early game

                TAAAAA SHAAAAAAA

                  Will see what happens tho as I'm continuing my climb , who knows maybe 4.5k boiz will give me solid opposition

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    BIGGEST SECRET!!!
                    RIKI CAN BE A JUNGELER!!!


                    TAAAAA SHAAAAAAA

                      You won't be believe guys but actually the hardest part of the games is convincing your teammates that safelane Riki is fucking legit

                      casual gamer

                        someone was talking about how safelane riki was working for him in 5k


                          I know a 6.6k aus player who swears by safelane Riki, seems like a good way to abuse shitters, sadly he has private dotabuff.

                          Story Time

                            You won't be believe guys but actually the hardest part of the games is convincing your teammates that safelane Riki is fucking legit

                            Hehe try convincing ppl that sven is a support or CK is ganker (while both are real capable of those positions), riki at least makes sense in pub as carry

                            PS You can add me if you like, I play sup and would be fun to sup you in a safe lane :D

                            i have 5 reports to use

                              Safe lane Riki can't hit towers and thus I think isn't a very good carry


                                what is good about safelane riki though. can you explain? why do u need the safelane?

                                Story Time

                                  I think in low mmr it help the team by replacing a feeding safelane carry with elusive riki. It is not the hero but the position which is extremely vulnerable he occupies


                                    I think i played with you carry riki wannabe


                                      ez pts mate keep spamming riki you will reach 10k one day

                                      all role player

                                        no the best position for riki is mid but no one believe tho :/ . you got advantage xp and gold and that riki need even if supp buy detection you still can kill them because you already hard to kill. and if enemy supp camp on your mid is still succes to make enemy midlane not have advantage xp. sorry for mah brokin english. try riki mid is amazing tho :/


                                          i guess with deso and/or manta riki can hit buildings at least a bit

                                          or just draft you know a jakiro

                                          Мама, за такого бандита

                                            yo boiz , finally made it to 5k, riki for president


                                              Im pretty sure u dont need safelane, cant u just dual lane the offlane? Cuz taking safelane farm on a riki is bad unless u play it like safelane np, and have something like jugg or dusa or sf mid who can carry harder.

                                              Мама, за такого бандита

                                                u r actually right, duo off is a perfect lane for him, took me bunch of games to realize that


                                                  5k respects my 700 mmr knowledge FeelsGoodMan


                                                    What if Kama is actually Daddy
                                                    I might give riki a try, but the diffusal nerf killed my intention

                                                    Мама, за такого бандита

                                                      Wouldn't consider it much of a nerf , it makes u focus on getting kills rather than wasting diffu charge on yourself


                                                        Tbh euls on riki doesnt sound that bad. Neither does lotus orb.


                                                          Eul is kinda gimmicky, why the hell would you need a setup for blink or that weird spin thingry
                                                          I'd rather get lotus 100% of the time than eul


                                                            Lotus is expensive. Euls gives some disable. Its not an every game thing obviously, but i can see it working.


                                                              If you really need to dispel dust get a manta.


                                                                Safelane Riki is legit, but your team
                                                                Will flame you for it.
                                                                I've been fucked over even while I was far ahead because of a riki safelane cutting down my team.
                                                                Goes for the supports till he gets fat enough to take on cores that are farming/ splitpushing


                                                                  Ye but at the price of consuming more farm than he is worth. Riki rlly only needs diffusal to come online. And to get that much gold he doesnt need safelane. Thats the basic issue. It can obviously work in pocket strats or when ur allocating farm differently, but simply put a regular offlane (not solo) can do the same things u said.

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    you can get a dominator purge creep to remove dust as well

                                                                    obviously you cant just have it m-clicked on you, but it's not awful to keep nearby in a lot of places and if ur going past river you can get one from their jungle if you must

                                                                    carry riki you can go manta. support riki lotus is situationally good but its more because of being a tinker counter than dust removal

                                                                    Optimus Drip

                                                                      Try spamming techies without getting LP, I think that's a true achievement