General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich is the better trash talk? ‘Good game’ or ‘Good game well played’?

Which is the better trash talk? ‘Good game’ or ‘Good game well played’? in General Discussion
basement :)

    ‘Good game well played’ is master race.



      basement :)

        People spam Gg when someone gets wrecked.


          say them cyka blyat and pidor idi nahui


            Intro boys is the most autistic tt evef

            1-IceTea 🌟

              I done gonna feed.
              and he proceed to try hand to def

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                GG EZ

                Kaiki Deishu

                  The INTRO BOIS trash talk is good too; you know to slap it to their face how noob they are hahaha.

                  basement :)

                    I have never heard of introduction boys.


                      gg wp better


                        Why trashtalk when you can just trash them and let your performance speak for itself
                        Inb4 reported for sportivity

                        basement :)

                          Why trashtalk when you can just trash them and let your performance speak for itself

                          They get more tilted, so there is a higher chance to win.


                            I find the question mark a perfect response to any situation. It should induce maximum amount of salt in the enemy and cause them to play badly


                              Just say ez (and the lane where you are)

                              EZ MID


                                That's one dirty way to gain MMR, no thanks
                                Inb4 jacked "but bws you magically skipped 1k mmr"

                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                  ^^EZ JUNGLE

                                  old man

                                    its weird tbh when people winning but didnt trashtalk. its been few games end with casual "ggwp" and i was like why no trashtalk???


                                      The classic '?' is enough mental disintegration for me.


                                        Im so triggered when i play ember and i miss searing chain because he blink away coincidentally when i blink in and he type ?

                                        Feichang Gaoxing

                                          I type "lol" everytime the enemy misses an ulti or stun.

                                          Dem 5-creep chronos


                                            "?" is the best honestly, especially when you escape from a gank with a sliver of hp, or outplay your opponents
                                            though when game ends, i just type ggwp, but ill type ez like bots, If the opposing team triggered me


                                              Man "lol" is too weak. "Ez" triggers certain types of people. But it's common.

                                              I think nonchalant and overconfident type of comments are the worst. As already mentioned "?" Takes the cake. But theres also "zzz" like you're bored af and this shit is too ez after you rape them.

                                              I haven't tried these, but you could also try to incite a player's teammates to get triggered. Maybe "report x player" or "wow ez feed" can highlight the enemy's mistake to their teammates and trigger them.

                                              Timing of the chats is also very important. For maximum effect, riskier timings produce the best effect. Right as you see 3 heroes come out of the fog to gank you, type "?" As you pray to god you somehow manage to get away and seem like you knew the outcome all along. Even better if they end up getting wiped. Of course you look like a fool if you just die embarrassingly.

                                              Type "ez mid" around mid game when your team is snowballing. That will really trigger the mid especially if you didn't win mid lane in early game.

                                              The less words the better. The more you seem like you're a cocky asshole the better. If someone on the enemy
                                              Team is feeding. Just type his score "0 12" and nothing else. Don't laugh or respond to anything. Just type his score in specific intervals throughout the game


                                                I almost forgot. you can pause for maximum effect when you question mark.

                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                  Evil Jacked,can I type EZ JUNGLE?

                                                  Lord Somerset

                                                    Lol jacked you must be a real hollie


                                                      i mean i usually am a nice person if i want mmr, but once in a while i have to unleash my inner demons otherwise i die from toxicity. got reported by 8 people in a game once, with just my words. im the master triggerer


                                                        whenever they fail at something i say "nice <what they just failed>" like nice gank or nice push lelel


                                                          also typing their name after they die and nothing else can be pretty triggering too LUL

                                                          SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                            I type "visit for more memes" everykill, everytime.


                                                              visit for more memes


                                                                I'm stuck at 3.2k btw haHAA




                                                                    The "?" reply to anything you do right, or anything they do wrong. Proven to induce maximum salt and tilt enemy team.

                                                                    Sugar Show

                                                                      Peruvian trashtalk from legit peru people is the best trashtalk.

                                                                      all role player

                                                                        GG EZ my favorite trash talk or say "NOOB INDOG" when enemy say INDOG Words

                                                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                          "gg push" in all chat and then still end up defending/playing.


                                                                            My favorite is when i play alch and so far ahead so i just stand in front of enemy base. If they fight me they are all dead


                                                                              Inb4 hooked to fountain by pudge


                                                                                Inb4 alch too tanky

                                                                                basement :)

                                                                                  Someone once told me to stop trash talking and play the game. I told him trash talking is the game.

                                                                                  Anyway, only 1 person answered the question in the title.


                                                                                    Because I don't spam Good Game or Good Game Well Played to trashtalk or even trashtalk in the first place