General Discussion

General DiscussionMK needs to be nerf even more ?

MK needs to be nerf even more ? in General Discussion

    well MK with basher + active ult = perma bash ? how is that even balanced ?
    i got 3 secs mirana arrow then the monkey jump in active his ult and hit me, i cant even move until the mirana arrow off cd like wtf ?
    its like stunned for 10 secs holy shit
    my recommendation :
    -remove the items effect on his soldiers, just +60/+80/+100 and soldiers attack speed 2secs/1.5secs/1.3secs
    -jingu bonus damage and lifesteal now have a duration
    is that balance already ?

    Johnny Rico

      His ult is stronk good for siege and high ground defence, but force staff fucks him.


        Or you can just stun him, and then he dies every single time within 2 seconds. Literally any decent amt of disable fucks him so hard. Why wud you want the monkeys attacking faster theyll just shred you instead of stunning you.




            -jingu bonus damage and lifesteal now have a duration

            this is the one thing i want


              i think he's fine now

              even though i hated playing against him, you dont see that often mk winning the game unless he goes 12-0 in early game


                i played as MK vs rubick and when he steal my ulti all of us fucked up (all soldier attacks at the same time cause ranged) . if not he stun or move you out of the ulti and you dead


                  Buy Quelling Blade and chop his tree. You don't even need to counterpick hard, just have some sort of flying vision and you good


                    He needs a mana cost and higher cd on his tree jump for early levels

                    The roaming potential is broken as fuck, tho no one seems to use him that way except a few people idk why