General Discussion

General DiscussionProof players ranking is literally dogshit.

Proof players ranking is literally dogshit. in General Discussion

    Good god. They need to fix this asap. :D

    i follow Jesus.

      kek, 3.9k and "top" 59 diamond? sicccc
      honestly when player rankings came out i immediatly called bullshit because dondo wasn't pudge #1


        I'm 3981, cut me some slack, almost 4k 4head

        Just kidding,yeah, system is broken and this is a proof.

        The system probably didn't think I'm 3.9k tho, because lately I've been getting into 4.2k+ avgs as 4.1k almost exclusivly, then had a massive que tilt and went down to 3.8.. xd xd xd

        regardless, system is shiet

        Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

          maybe you have been playing a lot of higher mmr party in normal games. I used to be 75 with slark long time ago. with just 40 games o.O


            I rarely play normal mm, unless i'm in lp..

            here's the games from single draft in which I got lucky with Shadow Feed:


            Rarely doubt it's above 4.5k avg, which means nothing, since its unranked

            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

              mm yes its kinda broken so, I used to play a lot of 5.5 mmr average party (normal games) thats why I suspected that I was in the ranking, but aparently MMR means nothing in this ranked system.


                even though low mmr, 59+% winrate over mre than a 1000 games is impressive. its like the top2 slark guy is not a pro but a player with 10k games.

                Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                  Yes, it's still impressive, but how could this system consider a top 100 player over millions of players (me or vertoxity) while there're a lot of better players with better stats, and also playing against better opponents.


                    xD that's not a surprise anyone can get in the top list with huge amount of games

                    casual gamer

                      im not above 98% in anything and im in the top 00.3% of players or some shit hmm



                        While I agree with you that ranking is shit, not everyone can get into top 100.

                        Simply because it does take into coinsideration skill bracket and what not.

                        So basically if you're 3200 MMR and you rarely play against 4ks, chances of showing on top 100 are close to none for popular heroes.