General Discussion

General Discussionquestion about mmr estimation such as in opendota

question about mmr estimation such as in opendota in General Discussion

    does it take into account the mmr of people you party with? it estimates my mmr at 3k lul i think that might be because i stack with 1ks every other game

    i follow Jesus.

      nope. mmr calibrates independently.
      the thing is, mmr = cs + KDA. have a good combination and consistency and you can easily get 4.5.
      stacking works for csgo, not dota


        i mean the estimation of mmr based on ur peers, not the actual calibration.


          it is based on the average of exposed solo mmrs of all the players u were recently matched with, taking solo and party equally
          so yeah party does influence it


            so if i stacked with a 1k mmr player for 10 games it kills the estimation? i know such things dont matter for actual mmr calibration but im just curious


              it's the avg mmr shown on player profiles in your games for the last 20 games