General Discussion

General Discussion[RECRUIT] [EU/E] Peak eSports recruiting dedicated players for new Do...

[RECRUIT] [EU/E] Peak eSports recruiting dedicated players for new Dota2 team 5k+ MMR in General Discussion

    Hello, we are a new eSports organisation looking to put together an extremely focused and hardworking team with professional ambitions. We are looking for either a full existing lineup or individual players to create a competitive team in Dota 2! Age does not matter if you are willing to achieve your goals with us. Time and ambition are very important. Let's grow together!

    Self Improving
    Team Focused
    Good communication skills (English)
    Game sense

    We are aware that MMR is just a number and it does not determine your skill level but it does give an estimation so 5k is reasonable limit for application. We won't be accepting any application below 5k margin.

    Practice schedule/activity- From our future players we except to be able to play and practice at least 4-5 hours per day (minimum 3-4
    games with the team). When the team is formed we will try to establish a firm practice schedule so all players can plan their activities. Watching demos and replays will be agreed with team coach.
    Personal obligations Players are excepted to show up on scheduled time (minor delays will be tolerated). It's on you to practice your heroes and diversify your hero pool. We won't be chasing anybody around if they're not willing to dedicate themselves to the team.

    Player benefits
    Right now what we can offer you is a spot in a brand new organization that is actively looking to get sponsors to support various teams of our organization. If you win in a tournament with prize-pool money/gear, we will not be taking any of that money for our organisation. This may change in the future depending on how we will be able to support our teams.
    A professional and friendly environment with active management.
    Support and assistance for any team establishments.
    Play under the name of our organization, Peak eSports, which is currently rapidly trying to make a name for itself in the world of eSport. If we perform well we have a big shot at being sponsored and entering the semi-pro scene of DotA 2.

    If you want to apply for a tryout we want you to leave a reply in this thread giving us an insight to who you are and some relevant information about yourself (Your name, Your age, Your position, Secondary position, Your steam, Previous experience -if there is some). This is your point of entry, first contact. What you display here shows us what kind of person you are, so put the effort in. Also mention my username at the start to signify that you've read and understand all of it. You don't have to write a full page essay, but it needs to be more than a link to your dotabuff/yasp + steam.
    Peak eSports
    Owner team


      Right now what we can offer you is a spot in a brand new organization that is actively looking to get sponsors to support various teams of our organization. If you win in a tournament with prize-pool money/gear, we will not be taking any of that money for our organisation. This may change in the future depending on how we will be able to support our teams.
      A professional and friendly environment with active management.
      Support and assistance for any team establishments.
      Play under the name of our organization, Peak eSports, which is currently rapidly trying to make a name for itself in the world of eSport. If we perform well we have a big shot at being sponsored and entering the semi-pro scene of DotA 2.

      i read and re-read it, but it still looks like u offer... uhm, nothing?
      whats the point of ur existence for 5 ppl who will potentially gather to form a team?


        i posted in some guys thread where he was looking for players, and one of ur guys added me, talked to me in broken english and asked me right away to join ur discord implying that i knew everything about ur organization (i've read one of ur threads).

        ure very uznprofessional for an organization

        Swap commends

          Hello, read your post, sounds interesting. The name is Gabriel. Age doesn't matter does it ? :) Position 1 or off laner. Don't have professional exp, but have played a lot of dota 1 , same goes for for dota 2. steam id : 328073844.


            We are aware that MMR is just a number and it does not determine your skill level but it does give an estimation so 5k is reasonable limit for application. We won't be accepting any application below 5k margin.

            how can u call the post interesting if u didnt even read it


              4k players in 2017 LUL

              Swap commends

                first of all I am 4,6k atm and I can get that 5k in a week or two. Secondly, I didn't make new acc to smurf up to 5k, like bunch of loosers did. Thirdly, raptured laugh while you can, sooner or later gonna get higher than you.

                Swap commends

                  oh wait rap you are only 5k and dare to laugh for me having 4,6 ? you are early 5k :)) nothing to be so proud of


                    the kind of reply this post deserves

                    Swap commends

                      Triple. so you are saying that I am less of a player cause I have 4,6k than a player 5k or up?


                        nah he liked what you wrote

                        casual gamer


                          Giff me Wingman

                            first of all I am 4,6k atm and I can get that 5k in a week or two. Secondly, I didn't make new acc to smurf up to 5k, like bunch of loosers did. Thirdly, raptured laugh while you can, sooner or later gonna get higher than you.

                            I remember Bogi writing the same shit, took him about 3 years xD


                              i am saying you are retarded, regardless of ur mmr


                                pls reach 5k in 1 or 2 weeks like u said.


                                  @Padre - Peak

                                  so, you pretty much getting no benefit for joining it?

                                  you are looking for 5 random 5k players with virtually no co-ordination with each other to self-teach & organize themselves to become pros/semi-pros in the name of your organisation.

                                  is this another ''K'' thread?

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    pls reach 5k in 1 or 2 weeks like u said.

                                    can easily get 5k from high 4k, just give them a couple of weeks

                                    or months

                                    or years if they're benao/blunt levels of bad


                                      well 4,6k is not high 4k lul
                                      should take an average person about 1 to 2 months to grind from mid 4k to 5k

                                      casual gamer

                                        it can be done really fast if you do it right


                                            i'm talking about average person who has never been to 5k dude
                                            ofc i can get it in like a day or something
                                            but thats not the point


                                              MMR JUST A NUMBA DendiFace


                                                first of all I am 4,6k atm and I can get that 5k in a week or two



                                                  well 4,6k is not high 4k lul
                                                  should take an average person about 1 to 2 months to grind from mid 4k to 5k

                                                  i'm talking about average person who has never been to 5k dude
                                                  ofc i can get it in like a day or something
                                                  but thats not the point
