General Discussion

General Discussionbest qop build to win games!

best qop build to win games! in General Discussion

    null>regen>null>bottle>drops>arcane boots>veil>mjolnir>pike>whatever u want

    skill build=standard
    talents=20 dmg>gpm or cdr if u wanna play octarine>range>lifesteal i personally prefer gpm because it is a nice free med camp every minute 12% cdr is kinda garbo yes 900 gold per 10 minutes seems garbage but its a nice 20% ish boost to your gpm
    dont mind the winrate, its me griefing on qop

    if ur entire team is shit u can still win games because of the lvl 25 talent and the massive gpm u have.

    its not a free win though, u still have to do qop things early game

    play smart if your enemy has counters, i personally first pick qop every game and win

    btw if something works in 4k it works anywhere XD


      12 cdr is better in my opinion. You have faster blink and her wave clear ability. So its the same as the gpm one. Personally i like euls after veil to remove silence. She really good with lc which picked a lot by lower mmr . Problem is she dont push faster than luna jugg and tb

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        @fx Euls on qop is a sin
        A caught QoP is a dead QoP
        Just dont get caught although takes effort


          More chase potential for your team because you are so mobile you can blink euls and let your team follow up. Euls when blink is in cd is good too. And if you are facing silence its better than buying a lotus orb right

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            :/ hmm okay
            It's good to see a mid brought back into meta