General Discussion

General Discussionember spiritu

ember spiritu in General Discussion

    ember so good this patch gitgud easy grinding mmr !


        Fx trash luna spammer xd


          haHaa never stop , believe in ember , its so godly dis patch


            Yes he is
            Sadly I suck so bad at mid i don't even dare to even hover mid heroes during the drafting phase


              out of 24 ember games i had i only had 6 loses damn it and 18 wins damn road to 4k


                Nobody can push here at 2k thats the main reason i play luna to push. With ember no matter how much i kill enemy hero i cant just push to end the game. Thats why i need a friend like bws to push for me.


                  Also in that game the magnus never empower me. That magnus is so shit actually i wanna rage again. But the triple spirit spam though


                    Ember only good in 5k +


                      Have you seen my last jugg game?
                      *magnus afk farms more than an average antimage*
                      *airball RPs*
                      *afk when he should've fought, and fed when there was no good fight to take*
                      *never empowers ME until we got mega and thats only ONCE*
                      entire team flamed him and guess what
                      "Lol jugg you don't even count 5-5 ewww"
                      I hope he stays at 3k forever or even drop down to 2k


                        Bws high skill :O


                          CALM DOWN
                          THE REAL HIGH SKILL IS 5K+


                            Bws plz link the game. I think every magnus is like invoker but more retarded. Magnus who was to hit 5 man rp man. But i have found the most retarded invoker in my entire live who only can cast tornado meteor and blast. His tornado dont even last for 1 second xd