General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease take a look at my latest jug match.

Please take a look at my latest jug match. in General Discussion

    I started off in the jungle with a talon and a set of tangos. I opt to jungle because there was just way too many carrys and I didnt wanna share a lane contesting last hits with one. I did well in the jungle. Got 60lh by 10 minutes and got my basic items in a suitable timing. I ended with 300+ lh and a 13-4 KDA. But yet my gpm is 518. Is this because jungle creeps provide less bounty compared to normal creeps? That Anti Mage had a worse KDA than me and had slightly less last hits but managed to get 600+ gpm. Please explain to me why my gpm is this low.


      This is what i see from most ns player. 99% of them dont know how to farm mid game.
      Lets analyse this match You see after my manta my mjonir comes 9min after that. My team takes fight at primary dire jungle 90% of the time and i am farming at my primary jungle. Because i know if i tp there i wont arrive in time. What should i do? Push bottom t2 and if they tp i will just spin to tp. What if my team fight at my secondary jungle and i am at primary jungle, see if the fight is straight loss from your team just split push. That is how you play your midgame basically. I have a low amount of lh because the game is already won and we just camp at their base. 300 is very bad for a 50 min game i would have around 450


        Building dmg wut O.o


          He hits towers and you don't
          He kills fat enemies which gives way more gold than if both team are equal in term of farm or when he's ahead
          Also I prefer going blink abyssal butter after manta against that kind lineup or SE butter abyssal
          Maybe diffusal to remove warcry and kite sven but then again it depends which one of them is the least retarded


            Also, yes, jungle creeps give less gold, considering if you dont have sick ass camp clearing ability which pretty much every single hero in the game doesn't have right off the bat