General Discussion

General DiscussionShare here about what u think majority the player type with their her...

Share here about what u think majority the player type with their hero (hero streotypes) in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    Basically typical player personality will be with their hero picked :

    My opinions for start :

    Spectre's : These guys always cool , little complaint , just ask for support to guard them lane cause they know when they get radiance they can turn game around. win is also kinda easy with spectre's

    Rubick's : These guys thinks they are hot shit, they think they can steal all spells and do awesome shit which usually just feeding , cannot do proper zoning , and blaming poor carries like mad not realizing play bad himself

    Slardar's : cool guy with stuns (idk these guys just always want to coordinate with their team since they play initiators)


      Timbersaw's: These guys are the best kind of players actually. Always carrying the team to victory, never flame or feed. The play makers and the backbone of the team. Also they hate trees

      all role player

        Techies : Dick head guys who Doesn't give a fuck about winning or losing. these guys only care about blowing enemy rage as much as possible. the hero is bad and the player is fucking bad

        white boy summer

          invoker's: think they are best, and reports teammates for feeding while he lost his shit on mid. just like invoker himself, fucking selfish retards


            Axe: Think they are hot shit because they can dunk.

            Huskar: 5th pickin p*ssies.


              Void's: think their hot shit and know their hot shit when they land those dank surgical chronos
              (Im just feeding my own ego thx btw)


                SF: gg no ganks mid


                  Some of my hero stereotypes:

                  Jungle Legion Commander: "Fuck U team I don't want to be the pos 4 support! Btw I will steal the courrier from mid at min 2 and buy shadow blade when we already have 2 invi hero."

                  Storm spirit: "I will panick really hard and suicide myself for no reason."

                  Faceless void: A good guy to always have in the ennemi team when you are playing jakiro.

                  Treant protector: Will buy quelling blade and steal all the last hit from his hard carry then flame him for not having farm.

                  Pudge: A poor fat guy that nobody like and everyone will report him if he fail one hook.

                  Fee Too Pee

                    @$nu : i am a huskar picker :( . and yes i do like last pick as huskar ROFL

                    spirit breaker : from early game will type "g" with orb and venom and always charge roaming around the map. overall a team player because they roam and rarely flame because everyone farmed because he roamed good with charge. a good guy overall with a little overextending


                      legion commander: I dont know the counter to that hero,so ill just duel him yolo


                        pudge. Even if he is ultra bad, he gonna flame everybody except of himself for loss


                          Invoker and AM : They suck so hard and the team is always guilty. Midas and BoT if his team is getting annihilated across the map. Still, he wants to split-push and other shit. Am which will never go for sabre in a similar situation. Only bf. Only farm. Only dicks in the mouth


                            Axe - a yolo person


                              Nyx - a retard which actually thinks that nyx counters OD.

                              Cat vs The World

                                Alchemist: I don't care with my teamor our lane, as long as I could get that 3 wave stacked creeps.

                                Fee Too Pee

                                  Meepo's (ranked) : instant mark mid , pick late , farm very fast , not talking much, carry the team solo , probably booster. ez win with these guys


                                    1000+ damage nuke every 4 seconds and ability to stun and damage by standing next to Astral is not a counter?

                                    Riki:, selfish arrogant bastards who think they are God and carry the team from the 4th position


                                      LC = team is all dead but no worries i got a duel


                                        Clockwerk: BAAAAAAALLS DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP


                                          Btw never buy echo sabre on am cuz farming am is almost always better than fighting am

                                          Fee Too Pee

                                            ^ so true its hurts, those suicidal duel jumps Feelsbadman

                                            Phantom Lancer's : You rarely meet these guys, but when they picked, they always know what they are doing cause PL picker rare these day, will carry the team with proper support, rarely flame , but little cocky


                                              Faceless void = Amazing player who keeps hitting sick 5 man chronos
                                              I didn't say on whose team tho


                                                Surgical chronos ftw

                                                Président® Salted Butter

                                                  Dazzle: MI GUD SUPPORTO, CARRI MI OR I KILL U
                                                  *maxes shadow poison and builds mek as a first core item 40 mins into the game*


                                                    Nyx - a retard which actually thinks that nyx counters OD.


                                                      Nyx loses to OD Kappa

                                                      rice cake

                                                        Brewmaster - A player reroll random hero and got brewmaster and have no choice but to play him because you cant reroll for the 2nd time


                                                          Naga Siren: "Let me sing you the song of my people."


                                                            ENIGMA - The player who wants to push but his team doesnt help him push and gets blamed when they rely on him only for his ultimate but in reality he relies on his ultimate to not being used


                                                              Truthfully, almost all shadow fiends I meet no matter what team are extremely toxic.

                                                              Pudge players seem to always try to tilt the enemy team by taunting people over chat.


                                                                Luna players will cry if you dont do everything meta.

                                                                Erase Humanity

                                                                  Sniper: Shrapnels the creep wave and pushes the creep wave forward. Most last hits lost. Either does not have mana for ultimate or have it for KS or just ulting someone with full HP. Farms a malestorm and starts to split push. Then builds every item with damage on it's description. No bkb no survivability item and no hurricane pike and no manta.

                                                                  Kaiki Deishu

                                                                    PA and Sniper pickers on pubs: not sure if brain dead or the real deals but most of the time they will definitely lose.


                                                                      Phantom lancer: nice people. Just let them farm a bit and if there isn't a sven or axe it's gg


                                                                        Brain dead(NS) spectre player.: Will make radiance in 20++ min even if he has bad laning phase. With brown boots only -.-


                                                                          lich: COME HERE LET ME ARMOUR YOU

                                                                          also eats the only ranged creep in the wave after a teamfight you want to push off


                                                                            Alright legit this time:
                                                                            Void: ready to prove his team that he isnt retarded, buys all the wrong items, and at the end one of the teams loves him.

                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                              np:mega retard or game ruiner


                                                                                But what about Bob?


                                                                                  Exort invo players
                                                                                  I'll farm like a safelane and have half the impact as them.


                                                                                    Ember: hot shit who deals 1000 damage nuke aoe.
                                                                                    Luna: tryhard dotes boys
                                                                                    Timber: (one of a kind) cannot land spell without blink dagger. (Thats me btw)
                                                                                    Im kindof between slad and spectre guy

                                                                                    Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                      Earthshaker: OMG ENEMY PICKED (insert any hero with multiple units here) I SHOULD COUNTER THEM WITH MY ECHO SLAM haHAA I'M GONNA SIT IN LANE AND BE USELESS UNTIL I HAVE BLINK haHAA I'M DEFINITELY GONNA GET FEATURED ON A DOTA WTF VIDEO haHAA

                                                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                                                        ^ so true , ES only picked vs meepo , ck illusions shit, not doing proper support , roam , what the only matter is 1 : dagger

                                                                                        Axe's : These guys ........ despite whatever ur lineup is, this guys always think whats only matter is dagger timing , pulling those sick combos call and yes, jungle everytime , what only in their mind is 2 : dagger timing and kills . these guys think they are carrying their poor teammates and easy to flame someone


                                                                                          Timber and OD players think they're good because Timber has insane armor and HP regen early-mid game which makes him unstoppable and OD does a ton of damage by just spamming skills it's stupid.




                                                                                              techies players = real bros4lyf


                                                                                                zeus players = 1k mmr indian


                                                                                                  SF = tilted mid player


                                                                                                    Spirit breaker: My team will follow me anywhere I charge
                                                                                                    Slark: Shadow blade insta win
                                                                                                    Skymage who dies alot: Call you IMBA PICKER


                                                                                                      Nyx - a retard which actually thinks that nyx counters OD.

                                                                                                      and this guy is in high 4k somehow