General Discussion

General Discussionthis has to stop

this has to stop in General Discussion

    can someone remove lone druid from the game pls


      i'll take it over sd luna


        i wouild report anti for that game


          agreed. remove lone druid


            i honestly considered to report antimage since not getting an abyssal blade is just straight up game throw at this point

            casual gamer

              me ld

              me pick up all bounty runes with bear

              me have 999999999999 gpm

              casual gamer

                ams not a fan of attacking buildings it would seem


                  druid is balanced hero. its 50/50 if you can pick ld before the enemy can.


                    man anti was so bad 60 min game he didnt evn think on 40 min to get batle fury could farm up 4 more items i mean what the fuk u need aghanim anti like it will change whole game if some1 drop urn on him and he reflect back wtf


                      Actually urn doesnt reflect back. But true scepter is useless vs SE.


                        i know it doesnt which si worst but i wanted to say ghow useless it is


                          He went for Aghs because he wanted to counter Hex on the enemy team after having BKB already and struggling to do damage in teamfights LUL


                            octarine in this kind of games is useless, late blink or ghost or ven a bkb are far better

                            as well as force staff, actually


                              I am sceptical about Blink, since my game plan is to sit in burrow anyways. But I really need to consider ghost scepter on any hero really, it's my least bought item of all time. Can't even remember when I got it the last time. I am not sure about BKB either, I guess it has some use. And I considered force staff as well but decided against it since I felt like we lack disable and went for Octarine.

                              Thanks for your insight though, much appreciated. Maybe you can enlighten me even further by telling me what is wrong about my abovementioned assumptions.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                Let's take a moment to appreciate both Lich and Witch Doctor buying a blademail so that kunkka cleaves himself to death.
