General Discussion

General DiscussionVery High skill to Highskill.

Very High skill to Highskill. in General Discussion

    Somehow i lose 3 streak and i feed there, so i get back to high skill is there any way to get back on Very high ? thanks.


      by not feeding


        I see so my virtual mmr will just get back to vhs right ? thnks


          Try picking io or chen
          Heroes with super high skillcap will easily put you back to VHS no matter what


            Whats skill cap @bws-?

            casual gamer

              do this


                play io or chen and dominate, easy vhs


                  if u dont know what skill cap is you probably cant afford being in vhs


                    uh i got intentional feeders in like 5 games in a row lost them and back to ns xD but at least i analraped the 4k jungle bloodseeker jst now so i guess ill be going back to hs