General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do people like buying blade Mail on specter

Why do people like buying blade Mail on specter in General Discussion

    Is it a sea thing?


      it's a sea thing


        You dare insult my specter build??? Well fuck you man see my profile a fucking 100% winrate specter


          lol FX u never play spectre with this account xd


            mid game when you are weak to getting killed you buy blademail and you can no longer be killed. like a clinkz thats ahead of you bloodthorns and goes all onto you, you press blademail and run into him as he is firing his arrows, clinkz's beyond godlike spree has been ended spectre +2000 gold


              or the clinkz can just stop hitting u rofl


                So any weak hero in a clink game just buys blademail. Okay. Nice advice. Lul.

                Why do ppl buy blademail over other items that specter likes to get. To synergize with his passive ?


                  the arrows have a travel time, once he has fired them, he cannot stop it. with his attack speed, there can be like 5 arrows in the air at once and that can be enough to kill with dispersion.

                  with dispersion and blademail you reflect 150% damage if im not mistaken.


                    clinkz's arrows =/= homing missile ty


                      It is bought by retarded people and gpod against even more retarded enemies
                      Unless you're playing against slow projectile uncancelable aoe stuffs I don't see any point in getting blademail
                      Even VG is better for its price


                        That is the poing xd. With vg and m you are unkillable but you slso deal no dmg


                          tbf i dont think bm is 100% retard

                          spectre is a hero that has to fight every time haunt is off cd starting from when u get it because her farming speed is so fucking garbage early on so if u get bm early you can still join (and probably win) fights that would otherwise be rly hard

                          it's kinda like wk blademail, i mean why wouldnt wk want to get hit right? but it's something thats definitely not core every game so that makes it just a mildly retarded item

                          the thing i dont like with people who buy bm on spec is their mindset is so wrong

                          "OH I GOT BM NOW I IZ UNKILLABLE LOOLOL" not thinking its 25 mins into the game alr and you die before reflecting significant damage


                            actually let me correct that

                            EVERY HERO HAS TO FIGHT EARLY ON, LITERALLY


                              22% + 100% = 122%
                              Reduce it with physical damage resistance
                              No stupid fuck would keep on hitting spectre after she pops BM
                              Does she force the enemy team to fight you? NO
                              Does she deal damage good enough to make the extra 5 second of survivability worth it? NO, yes maybe after radiance but after you get radiance why the hell would you buy BM anyway


                                bm isnt an item you buy because the enemy has a godlike clinkz

                                it's an item you buy early so he doesnt get there

                                i can picture a lot of scenarios where this is true


                                  WK has decent right click damage and a free aegis
                                  Don't compare him with spectre when it comes to BM


                                    If you want to fight early there is a wide array of item choices that is better than "CANT HIT ME FOR 5 SECONDS LUL"
                                    Also illusions doesnt benefit any shit from BM


                                      i worded myself wrongly

                                      what i meant was that it's like getting blademail on wk, in the sense that it doesn't really help you *that much* because u can just carry a radiance/mjoll against illusions and do echo/deso on others (and bm doesnt fit either) but that doesnt make it a 100% gigabad item choice


                                        dude u even read im not saying that if u want to fight early u get blademail 100% of the time

                                        u get it against axe or some pure damage bullshit that u cant get hood/vg against

                                        u get it against clinkz jump on top of him then to force him to do 2 things: 1) hit ur team instead 2) invi away either way u mess his positioning with dagger

                                        tell me how u can do that with a vanguard xD he'll jsut kill u cuz ur not threatening at all

                                        at 14 mins your only item choices are phase urn vg/hood blademail

                                        tell me how u can win fights as spec against axe/timber/aoe bullshit with vangaurd/hood lol


                                          it's certainly an almost sub-optimal item for spec but there will be times where going for the 90% of the time vg/hood is worse than the 10% blademail


                                            an ok item imo


                                              Did you even read what I said
                                              "Unless you're playing against slow projectile uncancelable aoe stuffs I don't see any point in getting blademail"
                                              "tell me how u can win fights as spec against axe/timber/aoe bullshit with vangaurd/hood lol"
                                              You basically repeated what I said when BM is a good pickup on spec


                                                i didnt read ur 1st post honestly lul


                                                  On a hero that scales with HP better than scaling with damage, adding another ability that scales with HP further incentivizes your HP item pickups. If your build involves blademail, you probably want the HP item first. If you build HP and no damage on spectre, your enemies can ignore you. The reason people buy radiance is so that they have to kill the survivable hero.

                                                  Spectre is the hero in dota most like an Ability Draft hero that has all passives that increase survivability. Garbage until radiance.

                                                  Sange and Yasha into Blademail might be worth scienceing out, but I recommend not playing Spectre in pubs at all.

                                                  (Helm of the Dominator? Mek? Weird, but maybe good?)


                                                    122% of damage reflected, but 78% of the damage taken so it kinda changes the calculation.

                                                    as waga said the ultimate spectre build is phase urn yasha if im not mistaken
                                                    maybe with drums and shit

                                                    also you just sell blademail its a chap item and easy to replace when you can already fight people without the 5 second interval when if you get hit you probably kill people.

                                                    btw im not buying it myself kinda


                                                      2k thing


                                                        Blademail is an extension item on her. You know, for when NOT hitting her while she's running at you with 500 damage a click is WORSE than kicking your own teeth in.

                                                        The only time I know of Blademail being standard early game was when you had the Riki, Clinkz, Slark, Mirana and BH in every game and you had to BM and tp right the hell out of that atrocious mess of invis dickwads. As I recall, that was the beginning of the Glimmer Cape era. Remember when Shadow Blade on Slark seemed dumb? Well that era was what made him into the colossal asshole he is today as I recall.

                                                        very good csgo player

                                                          In 14 mins you can get radiance, git gud then post.


                                                            Radiance in 30 seconds...


                                                              hve fun dieing 5 times in those 14 minutes and not snowballing


                                                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                If game goes really bad


                                                                  There has been times that i had to be the tank because other heroes on my team were too fragile. In times like this it's better to pick another hero though but if somehow you're spectre and your team needs a tank, BM after some survivability builds is a decent choice.

                                                                  Kaiki Deishu

                                                                    BM for Spec is Situational for example your team is seriously stomped so hard that they failed to make space for the safelane core Spec then he is already gap in farm; thats when you build BM.

                                                                    I'm not sure about BM being core item THO.

                                                                    Fee Too Pee

                                                                      is not it spectre sucks at man fighting??

                                                                      i mean if spec already have radiance but have trouble with 1 vs 1 heroes that fed , why not?
                                                                      spectre can just hit freely with BM active

                                                                      example : Sniper , drow , troll


                                                                        spec blademail is situational aswell blademail as item is situational
                                                                        blademail depends ongame not hero but if u spamm blademail spec build then ur bad

                                                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                          Spectre BM + Echo Sabre. You can kill lone hero in no time.


                                                                            Spectre dagon? You can kill lone hero in under 1 second


                                                                              spectre dagon e blade refresher ? ez kil suport in second


                                                                                Innate damage return so increasing that lol.. Like pa butterfly or daed, magnus bf, sf deso and so more... People like exploiting enhanced version of what they already have....imo


                                                                                  Main question should be why not?


                                                                                    Only if you're far behind you would get a blademail so you'd be some what useful to your team, but if you're snowballing never buy it


                                                                                      If ur far behind u go vanguard diffusal before radiance. I can literally never see blademail on spectre as good. Also wudnt the dmg blademail returns be based on how much u take? And since u take less (due to dispersion) wudnt it return less?


                                                                                        Add in a helm, and yasha into manta. All of the above are better by a significant margin.


                                                                                          spectre is a grill

                                                                                          not specter

                                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                                            it's not terrible imo


                                                                                              blademail reflects before the reductions of dispersion and armor etc.


                                                                                                Its a grill


                                                                                                  @desolated oh yeah the armor factors in on the person recieving the bm reflect dmg.


                                                                                                    Also i know spec is a grill, but u cant use a human representation she is literally a phantom like being drawn to battle, not of species human.