General Discussion

General DiscussionGeneral tips on how to git gud?

General tips on how to git gud? in General Discussion

    Hi everyone, I'm currently sitting at 3k mmr and I know that it's not much, but I really want to improve and reach 4k someday, but I know the basic answer is to "git gud." Was wondering if y'all have some tips so I can improve my game.

    (I usually play core, but tips for support heroes are welcome too).



      Just fyi 4k is the top 10% of players. U will still be trash, but hey, we will be trash with you :)


        For Mid.
        1.If you have to choose for last hitting an enemy melee creep or denying a range ally creep.Deny.
        2.Know if the enemy supports can gank you or kill you.If they can then stop being agressive.If yes just last hit and ask youre supports if they can tp.
        3.What will you do? Just cs with him?Try to kill him(if you can)?Gank? Think what's the best for your team
        4.Pick mid hero wisely.You can't mid alchemist if you got an anti mage carry.
        5.Play safe while being agressive.IDK but when im thinking and trying to do this.Ill get gud pogchamp

        1-IceTea 🌟

          Become a decent jungler

          Vem Comigo

            4k is like the top 25-30% of players, it was 10% like 2 years ago.
            4k is the new 3k.


              Ye but factor in a shit ton of boosted accts and account buying and shit like that. Not to mention the crap ton of 5k smurfs sitting in that zone.


                Thanks guys, these are a lot of help. Was wondering though, what's the perspective on 3k players? How would you describe us? LOL

                Tex Hex

                  4k+ is currently about 14-20% (depending if solo or party ranked) according to:


                    ^ Good info, ty!


                      become a decent jungler and never break 5k

                      learn to lane and get to 10k


                        ^shots fired


                            4k+ is currently about 14-20% (depending if solo or party ranked) according to:

                            no its not

                            theres obviously a heavy bias on this thing. still, i kinda doubt 4k is better than 5%, but i could be wrong


                              3k is just a slightly less retarded 2k where the only difference is more last hits gets taken and higher chance of objectives taken


                                protip; dont read normal skill coments , they are wrong and useless and if they were true they would be 4 k allrdy


                                  Anyone care to enlighten me about these unspoken "objectives?" :)


                                    So if a 4k says naga SE is good then it is good because 4k and if a 3k says naga radiance is better than that, that still means the 3k is wrong because 4k>3k


                                      Hmmmmm really makes you think

                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        *Recent match data only includes matches with MMR data. Lower ranked players (under 3k) tend to not have MMR displayed or share their match data with third parties. They also play Ranked less frequently. These factors contribute to the right skewness of the recent match distribution.


                                          i cant believe that me or people im playing with are in 95% percentile of dota players


                                            Good for you. Haha. I hope I get there someday.


                                              Pretty sure anyone can reach 4k
                                              The problem is how much hour you spent until you reach there
