General Discussion

General Discussionhow to beat OSfrog Invoker

how to beat OSfrog Invoker in General Discussion

    Now that techies mines got nerfed, whats the play?

    i've gotten to wave 15 5x and yet to beat him, i always lose on meteor/ss phase.

    BKB's are a must, but who's the hero?
    It seems Disrupter is top tier?


      I thought u just need to stack bloodthorns and mjollnirs, and maybe a pipe and shit but i rlly dont fully know what im talking abt. Maybe a hex? Isnt sniper good against him? I dunno man?


        Still stack mines but get invoker to around 25% hp and buy multiple dagon? I think they nerf techies wayy too much it should be around 6 min


          Pretty sure bloodthorns r the strat.


            what nerf?


              mine cd is 2mins, so you can only stack 2mins worth of mines.


                Shit 2 mInutes? I thought they went form 6 to 4


                  pa tank sniper dps a good number of bloodthorns.

                  unknown temptation

                    sniper gets destroyed by tornados..not workin at all..if you fall in one tornado you are done


                      Its almost impossible now to clear the invo without techies