General Discussion

General DiscussionDesolator on Chaos Knight

Desolator on Chaos Knight in General Discussion
Massive Dynamic

    I see quite a few CK players getting deso now, including in the higher brackets. Is it considered core on the hero this patch?




        How many is quite a few CK players? The only Desolator CK I've ever seen is the currently the number one guide. And he bought it 30 seconds before the game ended (probably as a joke)

        Massive Dynamic

          There is that first one, and there was a couple last week as well. I've also seen them in some of my matches.


            pure damage item
            on an illusion hero

            uh oh

            Massive Dynamic

              That's a great point gold experience requiem. I play the hero quite a bit but have only played him a couple of times this patch. I hate the nerf to reality rift, it feels so underwhelming now.

              casual gamer

                when i got matched with him his ck looked like this

                looks like he lost his way recently


                  There is rlly no reason to go deso on ck. u have armlet as a way more effecient damage item, and one that gives you stuff like armor, and echo sabre for mana regen and strength and extra hit and shit. There rlly is no reason imo to not go treads armlet echo into heart/skadi/ac/bkb/se


                    I think the rift is buffed tho,its a guaranteed minus armor, although he cant harass well now in the lane.


                      in what universe is armlet a more efficient damage item

                      i think your ban would be far more justifiable than permabanning phantom riki


                        More effecient than deso on an illusion hero. U get +20ish damage on all illusions and 70 ish on ur main hero. Its also cheaper than deso by a lot.

                        casual gamer

                          i dont htink armlets the build right now but i agree that its better than deso (lol)

                          Vem Comigo

                            echo is better than armlet, because of the crit change.


                              Idk i still feel like the item is too good to pass up. Is echo rlly enough?

                              Vem Comigo

                                echo is a better build, cause it makes you tankier, gives you a slow, doubles a attack, and most important, gives amazing mana regen for a hero that has a shitty mana pool and mana regen, like sven, tiny, even riki.


                                  Ye i know echo is good my point is that i buy both. Armlet and echo into a bigger item like heart or whatever. Do u just replace armlet with a helm or something?

                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                    When I play CK, i go Armlet then Threads and rush Heart right away.

                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                      No you go Midas first


                                        You sure they're not just buying deso at the end of the game from the enemy fountain?


                                          Armlet before treads!!!!!


                                            does a six-slotted ck still have an armlet (usually)?



                                              Massive Dynamic

                                                I'm pretty sure that they aren't buying it right at the end, with the exception of one of the recent guides. JDF8 that is a super weird build...Silver Edge and Linken's?? Anyway, I do find myself buying armlet and echo a lot of games but not all.


                                                  Linkens gives mana regen and silver edge is a good item. Nice all stats. Its different but not super weird.

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    silver edge is normal


                                                      @gold experience requiem

                                                      In every single univers, even in those armlet doesn't exist.

                                                      Massive Dynamic

                                                        So is silver edge the build in higher skill brackets? What is the justification for building the item besides the stats it gives?

                                                        casual gamer


                                                          its not super common, theres 0 people building it here

                                                          its just a pickoff + stat item that gives 30 ias. you can hide your illusions and rift from invis to oneshot people and it makes you at least partially effective without phantasm

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            its not amazing, jsut good, situationally

                                                            when i spammed void i had a lot of games where i built silver edge instead of manta because it was better. a lot of people probably wouldve called me a massive retard if i didnt win almsot every game

                                                            Massive Dynamic

                                                              So in a game where you would build silver edge on CK are you playing position 1? Or a different one?

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                anything other than position 1 ck is a gimmick isn't it? I think you would go silver edge depending on your opponents.

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  depending on how they are playing also

                                                                  if their carry is split pushing and/or their team isnt 100% 5 manning ck can oneshot a shitton of heroes from invis

                                                                  Arek Akashi

                                                                    nice build JDF8 i love it , initiating on the right target is huge , and stats from silver edge is ok