General Discussion

General DiscussionK.D.A thing"

K.D.A thing" in General Discussion

    How does kda go high ? i just want to understand more , the thing i know is you'll get high kda if you got high kills and low death and high assist.
    Anyone explain it ?

    Kaiki Deishu

      If i'm not wrong its (Kill + Assist) / Deaths = KDA

      for example if you have 12 kills, 2 deaths and 6 assist your KDA is 9


        KDA is (Kills + Assists) / Deaths

        So if you get lots of kills or assists and few deaths you'll have high KDA. Kills and Assists are worth the same amount for the equation so it doesn't matter of you get the kill or just get the assist, you'll still end up with the same KDA

        Story Time

          you have to set minimum 5 wards on the map to get high KDA, also use only good toothpaste and brush teeth twice a day

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            ^ This works like a charm

            Gabba Gabba Games TTV

     may i suggest this toothbrush built specifically for gaming?

              Story Time

                hehe genious, i bet most invokers play with this device