General Discussion

General DiscussionBLOG report number 1

BLOG report number 1 in General Discussion

    Oh boiii. Haven't played solo ranked for so long. Have dropped 200 mmr since Visage nerf I am actually shit at Dota now right?

    Who cares, though. I still have 3 insurance games to avoid being a 4k fucking newbie. OK Lux just go for it you can't just lose 3 games in a row can you? You're not that bad.

    OK, load in for...
    game number 1.
    Lone Druid and storm have been picked by the enemies, but I feel like playing MK offlane, so, say "fuck it" and go for it. LC and Spectre have been picked by the team in an unfavorable match-up. Didn't feed much in lane, but couldn't really do much against Druid, who was given no attention by my teammates. They had SK and Blood to deal with. It's OK though, this game seemed hard from the beginning, not tilting.

    Load for...
    game number 2.
    Just first-pick druid, because it's imba so who cares. Hear both Rubick and Sky die to slardar and Undy before the game starts. Hear them come and take my rune.
    Don't say anything.
    Hear Rubick and Sky die to Undying on the first wave.
    Don't say anything.
    Another "gank" initiated by Rubick gets me killed as well and triple-kill for Undy.
    See Rubick die 15 times.
    Don't say anything.
    Nearing the end of the game. Meepo points out my score of 1 to 7 in a judgmental way.
    Say "I guess I was supposed to farm against undy-slardar with 5 kills on minute 1". (OH BOY THE COMMUNICATION ABUSE).
    Conduct summary comes off. I was reported 5 times even though I wasn't toxic in my last games. Figure the summary is of 25 last games so it's OK.

    Load for...
    game number 3.
    Finally, I get to run a cancer duo-lane and destroy enemies' morale early on.
    Get a couple of kills and zone out Lion and Slark from safe-lane.
    Get a fast tower.
    Safe-lane is doing well, too. Slardar killed a few times.
    Figure it's going to be a fast game as we are able to breach enemy high-ground early.
    Notice Juggernaut has blink on quick-buy after phase and PMS.
    Ask him not to do it.
    The message doesn't go through.
    Juggernaut blinks into T4s to kill Lion.
    Can't tell him to just hit the towers next time.
    PA blinks into T4s to kill Lion.
    Can't tell him to just hit the towers next time.
    Next time doesn't come.
    Every time we win a fight at our barracks, the balanced bear person is alive by the time we reach river.
    76 minutes of struggle ends.
    Can't even say anything in post-game chat.

    1 game away from the glorious 4k. Send help

    TL, DR: By analyzing the immense amount of data with tremendous sample size of 3 game. I declare that current state of matchmaking and the report system... is SHIT.

    Thanks for taking your time with this blog.. I know you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it.

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      thanks for the good read, very interesting!! :)


        RIP blue star