General Discussion

General DiscussionRat heroes

Rat heroes in General Discussion

    Can you name me all the good pushers that go offlane please


      Nature's Prophet

      Мама, за такого бандита

        Clinkz, weaver they can hit towers, have escape and can decently clear creep wave
        QoP clears wave fast, has escape but doesnt do much damage to towers, still annoying tho

        casual gamer

          ld kinda qualifies as well right


            I dont think u go offlane with ld anymore, but u can i guess. Clinx, np, are both shit (clinx is just shit in offlane, np is just always shit), so i wud go with weaver, bm. But generally u put a tanky early fighting play maker in the offlane and ur mid or safe split pushes while u make space for them.

            Мама, за такого бандита

              Theorycrafting is always good man , u just gotta try
              its possible to make deadly rat pusher from any hero tbh


                Support my theorycrafting plox. Ive given up cuz i only get shit posters but if u support me i will do it again.


                  "Theorycrafting is always good man , u just gotta try"
                  Inb4 getting shitposted even if the theory is quite legit


                    Legit offlaner = BM, potlord, DS (only at wavepushing but hey its still pushing)
                    Pos 1 3 heroes = Weaver


                      Broodmama all the way.


                        Forgot abt brood, thats the most legendary offlane rat.


                          Are they as good as +6 treants tho?

                          Ryan Gosling Fan

                            What about lc and Cent?


                              ^how are they even good at ratting

                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                admiral bulldog heroes lol

                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                  I dont think u go offlane with ld anymore, but u can i guess.

                                  Yeah, I have not seen an LD off since 6.88

                                  "Potlord" lool

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    Why not Lycan?



                                      Because why not?

                                      I mean, theorycrafting wise, you have a lot of casual AoE at your disposal, talents that help you clear waves and siege faster and safer so maybe just get some auras (HotD?) and something to increase your mobility (coz u r clumpy af), and there you go.


                                        Jakiro is good at pushing but terrible at offlaning (slow, doesnt need the xp or gold THAT much), and terrible at ratting (no escape, very slow siege). He is good at late game tower siege, placing liquid fire on towers from long range.

                                        casual gamer

                                          jakiro aggro dual off is amazing isnt it


                                            ck is best carry right now imo
                                            fight tower need 3 4 items


                                              He asked for O F F L A N E H E R O E S
                                              But then again he's below 4k where offlane doesn't exist, only harder safelane


                                                XD yeh but I can carry them if I don't get a completely terrible team


                                                  Game won by me rat doto. They tried to throne me but i go rat and suicide then i bb to def. works out pretty well.
                                                  Every hero has a possibility to rat. Even void. Every good possible offlane hero is already spoken so its safelane ratter. I personally love jugg a lot to rat. But sometimes luna can also rat because her illu can kill 2 creep wave.


                                                    Yeh jakiro dual off is good. But he isnt a traditional offlaner


                                                      i can still remember the jakiro-razor dual offlane, fuck that shit we lost. my carry was 1-11 lul.


                                                        Sniper offlane HO HO HA HA


                                                          My roommate went from 1.5K to 2K MMR spamming Weaver solo offlane. If his team is not playing well, he'all just rat the entire rest of the game and pretty often he'll finish with 15k tower damage.

                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                            When does the OP topic shift from RATE to offlane?

                                                            @fx pls,
                                                            Good Rat of Dotabuff team is here