General Discussion

General Discussion I fell into a cauldron full of skill, but does it matter? XD

I fell into a cauldron full of skill, but does it matter? XD in General Discussion

    How do I win games pls halp, I can get more than double the cs @ 10 mins, have 2x net worth and be 2-3 lvls ahead than the enemy mid, but still can't win games, wut 2 do? After all that inactivity I haven't lost my mechanics, but I forgot how to win games, pls tell me the secret how to become very high skill player. When the laning stage ends, game's just fucking over u guys.


      gg no gank mid

      seems like you fell for the "creeps>kills" meme


        waow epeen such big, much hard

        idk. 5k laning 3k mid game decision making?


          I have no trouble laning against 6k's either, I win or do ok in 7/10 matchups mostly.


            Maybe pick Ember instead? xD


              have u tried destroying the enemy's ancient


                in seriousness though 70 last hits in 10 minutes is really good, I assume you rushed a bloodstone so you probably messed up and didn't succeed in snowballing?

                casual gamer

                  dont die and kill people in that order of priority. joining fights is super important

                  it helps if you can make smart calls for when to rosh / smoke but hardly necessary


                    this is atrocious, you can farm whole game and have less gold and levels than enemy carry that went 9/9/3 just because he's suiciding into your team and getting a kill or two out of it each time


                      your feel for the tempo and rhythm of games are probably off. im currently in a bad tempo, doing things at wrongtimes, prioritizing wrong objectives. its probably meta decision making, hence laning does jack shit for you.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Game is less skill intensive than it has ever been right now. You can just run at heroes and kill them and you will win the game.


                          U might not have known but creeps > kills and it is a fact


                            creeps > kills and it is a fact
                            Creeps don't prevent you from destroying their ancient with 1337 dps and meme spells tho


                              i thought storm get snowball wins by killing heroes ?


                                After bloodstone


                                  ur mid to late game fight positioning and overall decision making is 10/10 worth improvemente


                                    uninstall bro its time


                                      PUSH hard as you can, lead your team, you need towers and more gold for your team too

                                      the realm's delight

                                        unless u kill their hero winning mid doesnt do anything really


                                          imo tp lane and save ally or kill is more worth than stay in lane lasthitting 210 gold of creeps because u have chance to kill hero who is 300 gold and save ally and push towers


                                            hey symetrical, cna you teach me your monkey king ways? should i max q, so i can bash my enemies from afar with my <50 icq, or should i max tree dance like you're dancing on the feelings of the enemies, jingu mastery, so i can be annoying everytime i say a word or i should max wukong's command, like you summon an army of monkeys screaming OOK OOK AAK, im 1.5k mmr predict my mmr pls and im also 12 btw haHAA


                                              well if your fucking pick is good with decent against enemy heroes and you can team up and deal massive comeback and crash enemy economics. then push towers and ward their places and end game 25~.


                                                looks like you picked the wrong spirit brother to mid.


                                                  Earth spirit best mid