General Discussion

General DiscussionDelusion, but for how long?

Delusion, but for how long? in General Discussion
Story Time

    How long will players think that mid has to gank? I mean in this meta everyone can gank, but not all mids are supposed to do that


      you're so insecure, i'ts cute

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        sf where gang


          Wtf why dusa no gank? So retard dusa.


            Get the fuck back to that midlane and farm your blinkdagger retarded pudge!!! Reported


              Void fast bf


                *steals last hits and did nothing to create space*


                  If you win your lane and you see a possibilty to gank, why not?

                  If you are loosing in mid lane you can use a succesfull gank to catch up on XP.

                  if you have the right hero


                    The secret to raise MMR is to convince your team and possibly the other one to report the guy in your team who is dominating the game by himself. That way, after he has given free points to you, he'll get LP and therefore won't be placed against you in the next game, so you'll get another easy game.

                    Sugar Show

                      How long will players think that safelanecarry has to farm?
                      How long will players think that jungle hero has to jungle?
                      How long will players think that last pick has to be support in a carry team?
                      How long will players think that ursa has to roshan?
                      How long will players think that tinker has to buy travel boots?
                      How long will players think that support has to buy wards/sentries?
                      How long will players think that dark moon baby roshan has to drop?


                        i dont think there is an easier way to thow a won lane than by trying to gank if youre not 100% sure you will get at least 2 kills from it (or save your carry etc.)

                        casual gamer

                          zano or you commend him and then dodge him and thus arent a terrible human being


                            You'd be a terrible human being by dodging anyway. My method offers better chances if you choose to remain a dick.

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              ur method offers great chances to get lp if anything


                                Mids in my game ALWAYS GANK

                                The creeps in other lanes


                                  You don't have to gank but make sure you learn how to control your lane so I can gank for you.


                                    Fck noob alch no gank and no clash reported.
                                    32 min in the game manta rad abbysal bot octa AC.


                                      I hate trash people who only want to fight
                                      "We need you spec"
                                      Haunt > Ready
                                      Haunt > Ready
                                      Haunt > Ready
                                      Haunt > Ready
                                      *afk farms*
                                      Haunt > 100 seconds cooldown


                                        mid should always gang offlane wtf/