General Discussion

General Discussionim carry. im upgrade courier

im carry. im upgrade courier in General Discussion
Shikanoko Noko

    because if i dont do it, courier will always stay on the ground until this game end. commend me


      I always buy courier as a carry if noone else does
      100 gold is like 0.3% of my net worth in the end of the game as a carry
      Why not?


        I buy ward as alch and cour it effect my 0.000000000000001% of my net worth help i should be 10k if im not buying cour and ward and my supp does

        casual gamer

          this is my jam in unranked and smurf games


            Inb4 trash support and miracle wannabes spamming the fucking courier to deliver their shitty 5 minutes late item and delay my item delivery by 2 minutes

            ✪ Ben Dover

              grow some balls. i always buy some sup items. what are they, 5 creeps every 7 mins?


                when i play support or offlaner that doesnt NEED so many items i always upgrade teh courier at 3-4 minutes. #specialsnowflake

                Player 345068850

                  Its onyl done by real support players not those who watched a youtube vid and play ogre carry kind of ppl


                    I love ogre carry, go mid, buy phase, aghs, blink, octarine. Ez.

                    Story Time

                      being support is so ungrateful job :( kind of depressing, so pls commend your sups if they do the job, and MAYBE this will build up some motivation


                        I motivated a lot of support players before, even if they're not that good (a.k.a sitting back in the lane sucking xp)
                        I pay them back by carrying the game and commend them


                          I pick lion haHAA
                          I steal farm haHAA
                          I single pull ez camp 24/7 haHAA
                          I only buy few obs wards although im the only support haHAA
                          I will only buy detection when the enemy riki goes beyond godlike haHAA
                          I rush dagon or aghanim haHAA
                          I walk around 1v5 haHAA
                          I steal kills with FoD on 100 hp heroes haHAA
                          I tell my carry to fast farm haHAA
                          100 gpm haHAA
                          I flame my carry for being trash haHAA


                            Also I dont listen to teammates haHAA

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              I am jungler I tank all skill I split push alone I never stick with team and I won

                              Player 345996680

                                stf u stop asking for credit for playing suport its just like any other role in dota
                                also if u think carries can buy support items simply because of its just a minor dent to ur networth kys


                                  Then why is it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more common to have a team like Jugg-PA-AM-LC-Sniper than WW-Lion-CM-Jakiro-AA?

                                  The thing is sad because good supports should gather the same praise as good carries but since we don't have a lot of the former, people's mentality is formed this way.


                                    funny thing some games are lost fighting over the courrier. finally somone feed it to the enemy with items in it :D

                                    casual gamer

                                      ur not doing ur job correctly as support probably unless you have v high mmr, because playing support properly is insanely game winning

                                      Viking Metal

                                        JDF8 that is true, but if your carries suck, there is nothing you can do a lot of times. watching them go in one by one, and dying trying to save their mistakes is frustrating. then again in 1-2k it's all over the place because a number of people suck and the ones who know what they're doing are just passing through.

                                        casual gamer

                                          who knows! i have never played in that bracket because ranked didnt exist when i wouldve been there

                                          Shikanoko Noko

                                            Playing support is hard. Because sometime your carry screw around.

                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                              ^Play a support VS at starting if you carry screwing around you transsexuals into carry.


                                                ur not doing ur job correctly as support probably unless you have v high mmr, because playing support properly is insanely game winning

                                                this is the reason why you can easily calibrate/reach vhs by playing supports


                                                  well played!


                                                    Support is easier than carrying. I hate last hit. I suck last hit. So i support


                                                      Supporting is easier to learn but harder to master for sure
                                                      Just look at pro games, keeping track of enemy wards, running around with lvl 6 15 minutes in and still delivers with saves etc, disgusting


                                                        3 ranked games xd


                                                          Nah man
                                                          You don't even have to support that good to win in low bracket