General Discussion

General Discussionlaning vs jungling and cheap vs expensive items

laning vs jungling and cheap vs expensive items in General Discussion

    So... i hope this thread evolves into a productive discussion and not some random flaming fest again.

    a)Basically i want to know if i should lane with lc/blood or jungle. How much more efficient is the laning stage?

    b)What's your opinion on building a lot of cheap items like blade mail, armlet, shadow blade vs gathering gold for more expensive items? Again i refer mostly to the heroes that i main which are bara, blood, night stalker. Would a maelstorm, farming bara be better than an armlet, suicidal one who gives away his streaks after a point? Also what about mael vs fury on magina and jugg?

      casual gamer

        baras a hero that kinda sucks at farming because he has low aoe low dps and high bat. he thrives off of fights and fighting and should buy items that maximize his survivability and fight impact. maelstroms pretyt terrible compared to the items you listed or even hotd / drum type stuff but i dont buy armlet on this hero

        bfury jugg is straight awful. dont buy bfury on jug, get hotd yasha maelstrom.


          A - Lanes will suffer if you go jungle.
          B - Bara, BS, and NS has early game potential. Go for cheap but useful item (like urn for NS and Bara). Maels bara is funny.

          casual gamer

            lc is a lane dominator and jungling her is a waste in most games imo. its not just about when you get ur items because you might get a faster blink timing or whatever if ur hyperefficient and steal bounties but ur team will be tilte dprobably and low lane pressures really bad this patch.

            bs jungles a lot better i think because his ganking is stronger even pre 6 imo? and his level 6 is guaranteed kill with +1 support wheras lcs is the dumb shit where you have to chain stun them for 3 seconds to get in duel range even from smoke and even with phase wlace many heroes (ember im looking at you buddy) will just get away easily without supports having to rotate. a laning lc is going to be constantly in duel range kind of and its a huge threat


              Isn't it like that because of people wanting MOAR CARRIES? Since LC jungles pretty easily, it's natural that she's picked because in this way ppl can fit more carries into the team.

              And then you lastpick a support into PA-AM-Sniper-LC. Ez pez

              casual gamer

                trench trench trench


                  Lol JDF8 gets its...

                  The reason most junglers exist is because they DO NOT WANT TO SUPPORT.

                  You've got a mid player ( needs farm)
                  Safe laner( Needs farm)
                  Offlaner ( doesn't need farm but will find it evenutally)
                  #5 Support ( baby sitting carry)

                  and now you have an option. Do you get a roamer/ another support so the safe lane carry gets fat as fudge, or ganks mid and secures a victory for that lane? DO YOU now have 2/3 lanes won??? Yes that would be a logical thing to do.

                  Instead you have some selfish asshat who would rather make all the lanes weaker so they can play a "core"

                  So to answer your question: LC jungle= sucks, play her in lane, getting level 2 OO you can bully supports and carry quite nicely.
                  Junglers hurt lanes hard, harder then you realize.

                  Your pos 5 support now has to buy all the wards, buy the senties, courier and give two tangos to the mid player, he isn't going to be able to zone and trade hits with an offlaner who has a shrine to heal up with. This issue grows if they decided to DUO the offlane against you and your (probably weak) carry.

                  BS jungle, I can respect that if, and ONLY if the draft is built for it. A strong offlaner who can solo (UL), the right mid hero that isn't gank susceptible, and safe lane, support carry with high kill potential (CM+JUGGY) and for the specific purpose of countering Slarks or perhaps AM ( not a great counter)

                  to answer the second question: NS needs his scepter, no question about it.
                  Bara, you want utility items, force staff, glimmer, lotus, blademail is amazing.

                  seriously , stop jungling. doesn't work


                    jungling is much better in terms of farming, you farm faster, your level gets higher.
                    Those who say that lanes suffer, they are completely wrong, they usually pick some shitty "offlaner" and then complain that they lose. Real heroes that can play offlane like clock, viper, nyx, centaur can even lane against 3 and usually if you jungle, you leave space for your team to have higher mmr in general. This might not work in very high skill games (i am not talking about bracket, but in games like 6k+ mmr), there usually trilanes in safe pulls so hard and stack, that offlaner gets nothing in terms of exp and gold without support, but even that can be ez countered by placing wards in creep spawn.
                    Any way, most of my jungling heroes are over 60% in win rate, and most of the games result in complete domination, and those that i lose still leave me with best score and farm in team or even overall so you cant blame jungle for that.


                      AXE KILLS YOU

                      casual gamer

                        i got all my mmr playing solo offlane the issue here is ur safelane and probably ur (braindead) mid sf who is going to be vs 2-3 heroes for the whole laning phase


                          Yeah, Jungliing gets less and less effective as the MMR increases ( I think)

                          When I was low 3k , jungling was EZ mmr, now it seems whatever team runs jungle is an auto loss due to better supports, smoke ganks and the counter picks, Jungle LC , pick riki/bh and steal last hits, or go LUNA SD and start knocking down towers before the 8 min mark.


                            I have a 70% win rate with BS on my accounts and the 30% i dont win is when one of these 3 happen: A)there's a troll in the team B) offlaner feeds too much. C) Invisible heroes sneak up and make jungle unsecure at very early game.
                            Normally i don't even help before i hit level 6 and its always "GG noob team" or "Help" before i can start ganking. but if they last through it the rest just easy.
                            My point is, in pub games in my bracket (Normal skill 2.5K), in which you don't have a kind support to stack, pull creeps, who also DOESNT FREAKING STEAL LAST HITS, jungle farming is faster than a good lane farming. and the gank potential is very high. only cost is if your team doesn't feed too much, which if you ask me, would happen anyways even if you were in the lane.

                            LC jungle sucks though he's a B**** to play against in a lane

                            casual gamer

                              im sure in low mmr jungling is very good

                              1icetea can probably have 90-100% winrate in 2k just coming out of the jungle and mauling everyone with his superior farm


                                i think anyone remotely skilled can have 90-100% winrate in 2k , no matter what role they play

                                but yea jungle should be fine until the mmr point when supports stop sucking and start having HUGE impact early game

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    Ya I believe so


                                      when does an offlaner capable of farming jungle goes into jungle?? is it like if he thinks he cannot get crucial items in time then he farms them through either jungling or by ganking other lanes??

                                      casual gamer

                                        theres still 5ks rushing linkens on weaver agg tmr

                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                          ^^It's all back to decisions making.
                                          What will you gain/stop enemies gain if you stay lane VS what will you gain if you go jungle

                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                            Think it carefully and execute it.


                                              I went safelane luna and feed 2 times when we can kill them 2 times just because my morph is afk. So i went jungle and go jungle luna turns out sd ward the jungle and kill me 3 times after that so i go to the secondary jungle and farm. All of a sudden i get a good eclipse and win fight to push rax and its gg. Basically i have the worst ever laning phase in my entire life and still carry