General Discussion

General DiscussionTell me this

Tell me this in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

    Beast Master
    Luna/Jugg/LS/LD for core
    Silencer is banned.

    How fucked is your team?


      Pick hella split push and early fighting. I wud just pick an ursa mid, offlane slardar, pudge roaming and disruptor in lane with ur core. That line up is bad cuz its too team fight centric. Their only split pusher is bm, and they cant fight early at all in small engagements as they would be forced to commit long cd skills to fight in constant small skirmishes. They also have literally no late game presence to deal with ur farmed ass core.


        Depends. Is Earthshaker also banned?


          Disruptor rlly fucks with their teamfight, canceling channeling from a long range and preventing things like egg and black hole and the rock. Ursa is extremely threatening and can start going for pickoffs early. Slardar goes with him, very good with ls for infest ganks. Pudge too helps with this aggressive playstyle, pairing with ursa and slardar just running around and killing.




              If they jungle enigma thats a loss already. Both warlock and pheonix provide little pressure, cuz pheonix's cd's r too long and warlock is too passive, so u shud be able to get away with offlane slardar. Ursa shreds all of them mid. Disruptor + 1 has high kill potential on the enemy, be it bm, enigma, or what.

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                Disruptor is banned now.

                Now what?


                  Still pick Earthshaker and ult the 20+ hero summons, illusions and creep waves every 2 minutes.


                    Hmm if you pick split push heroes or really
                    Mobile heroes that can avoid fights + good hg def maybe u have a shot.


                      Your lineup doesn't have good ganking/antisplitpush or wave clear aside from just 5 manning down a lane after necrobooks come out

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        LOL Fucking greedy picks, no actual support
                        I would fucking rekt the shit out of them in the first 15 mins if my team has a decent draft
                        No special solution needed at all

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          And I just realized you're a SB spammer which is the first thing that comes to mind to rekt this lineup

                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                            Warlock & Nigma would be supps and laning actually :thinking:


                              what's stopping me from crushing like every lane (probably except wherever warlock is)


                                Oh theres a luna ez game

                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                  rofl ya seriously.

                                  A luna and 4 heroes with bkb-piercing disables that also happen to be AoE


                                    Actually you have 2 choice.
                                    1. Ending the game early
                                    2. Ending the game late
                                    Pick 1
                                    Fuck with the luna with sd+mirana combo and a pudge to keep the roaming going and pick whatever u want

                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                      The choice is rekt Luna so she can't get farm. You can end whenever you want by constantly ganking as their lineup relies on decisive teamfights to deathball in mid game, forcing them to stick makes them underleveled which is sth they won't do.

                                      Enigma can't support lane too much, if he does, his farm will be low

                                      And you haven't tell us,

                                      Who is mid? Who's gonna gank?
                                      Your mid will get rekt b4 anyone gets lvl 6
                                      Thus leading to everyone getting rekt later




                                          1. Magnus
                                          2. Beastmaster
                                          3. Sven
                                          4. Lich
                                          5. Warlock


                                            hmm... You need hero that won't end in blackhole, that will survive all this sh*t, that will stole all those spells or both

                                            1. Drow
                                            2. Sniper
                                            3. weaver
                                            4. Abaddon
                                            5. RUBICK

                                            (ps: ty dotapicker)


                                              The team you mentioned is absolutely garbage, 3 slow tempo heroes in 5-man push/fighting meta is gg. End, getmeout.


                                                If iwas the enemy draft i wud lane warlock and luna and pheonix trilane, bm mid, and enigma offlane. U aggro tri against the luna with ursa, pudge, slardar, solo safe with lifestealer and maybe put an axe mid. Maybe qop or ember.




                                                    A support Riki would ruin Phoenix, Warlock and Enigma. Add in an Anti-pusher like Kotl to stop them deathballing and then just split and farm with the remaining three heroes.


                                                      U can either go split push or u fight early.


                                                        U cud do riki and underlord dual offlane, then a puck mid, with slark/am/jugg safe with an ogre. Puck riki underlord teamfight is honestly more disgusting than the enemy draft. And then ur one carry just goes ham while luna tries to buy bloodstone to kill herself.


                                                          Or you can just buyback


                                                            pick anti mage / slark, attack the wave behind them when they attempt to push, so they are always facing backdor protection

                                                            As long as your team can clean the little portion of creep that push with them.

                                                            Buy dominator, and pull the creep wave that are supposed to reinforce them to ancient/big neutral camp; and split else where
