General Discussion

General Discussionis IO lifestealer better than IO tiny??

is IO lifestealer better than IO tiny?? in General Discussion

    So me and my classmates played a 5v5 all pick lobby game and then we used the LS IO combo and it was pretty good it was game winning to be frank but it got me thinking if it s better than IO tiny, what do you think??


      Yes because LS>tiny
      Just kidding LS doesn't need the extra attack speed and sustain from io that much, nor that he has disables to benefit from the mana/hp sustain or disable-tether slow combo


        Oh i see now, but i think LS brings out what relocate is really ment to be used


          ls is independent and good on his own


            Ya youre right


              LS doesn't need relocate
              He needs some high octane ferarri taxi not some airplane
              Hence QoP, slardar, etc


                Lol ok


                  Propably every pro io tell you tiny is a best partner, but for example in my bracket ppl dont play him and if the do they are just bad on him for some reason, 3ppl relocate is nice but its depend on game some game you have one relocate and than enemy team stick ...


                    With infest you can relocate both lifestealer and tiny so what's the problem.


                      The problem is people dont know when to pick tiny


                        Io works best with people like tiny, bristle, legion, ck, sven. They all benefit from mobility, become incredibly tanky with overcharge and need the attack speed. That also all need the mana io can provide too. However u can pair io up with a lot of heroes even sf, jugg, slark, and most carries. Just that some work a lot better than others.


                          io tiny is a bacerace rat backdoor meme
                          just dont forget to also draft furion


                            But lately i feel very nice with not very common combos like io+drow offlane which can be super agresive lane, same with io+necro as i said before here i have winrate above 80% with this combo on 7.01.


                              Io + drow offlane sounds like dog shit. Fucking anyone can punish the shit out of that lane, like the treants and weavers and shit that is so common.

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                Lifestealer is just a good hero in general. He is good with Io too because you can infest either Io or the other guy and gank as 3 if needed.


                                  Io drow isnt bad in and of itself. Its fucking terrible in the offlane, but in the shit tier u can get away with any offlane cuz no one knows how to punish lanes. Doesnt make it good.


                                    Its terrible idea, if works to me im dogshit couse of my bracket, youre retarded just as all smurf brains


                                      Im not a smurf im legit 700 mmr lol. Lmao someone thought i was a smurf. Loool

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Tiny is terrible right now so yes. Id say go IO plus CK. Used to be a popular combo and ck is strong


                                          definetely yes


                                            Chen and io combo is better than ls and io

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                Well yes why would you opt for all of this drama, chaos, confusion and all the peculiarities of existence. Wouldn't it be better to just not exist? If you were born into a hard life and the odds are stacked against you and life is fucking you real hard, why would you decide to deal with all of that shit when you didn't deserve anything to be treated that way?

                                                Not having a brain would mean an eternal silence from all the hardships of real life. If you would still have a body but not a brain you would live like how Adam and Eve supposedly did. Doing nothing out of the ordinary, just existing but no real will in determining actions. God wanted us that way anyway, so why would we turn away from that.


                                                  How do people play io? I mean, io is so squishy and fragile. It also needs excellent coordination from teammates. Do you need to party to play io? And i believe, io ls can win the game.


                                                    ls + spirit breaker is actually good. ls+io seems overkill