General Discussion

General DiscussionAny of you taken sociology?

Any of you taken sociology? in General Discussion

    Shits Trippin me out tbh


      U on shrooms ?


        Why'd you even go for humanities in the first place.


          ^good point. Not too late to get out.


            take a taco gona be all fine :(


              I remember taking Intro to Sociology thinking it would be all fun and games. Fell asleep on the first day of how terrible the instructor was. Then I find out she was one of the most.... lets say least liked instructor on campus. That's all I'll say. (According to RateMyProfessor).


                Nah not on shooms, currently getting my AA degree and the psychology field in general interests me.
                However, hearing some of this makes you think.


                  Psychology =\= sociology. But both suck anyway. I did a bit of psychology in uni


                    @4k Anger Management Practice

                    Depending on your Uni you have to take so many humanities credits regardless of your major.


                      in uni sociology is easiest to pass and learn
                      math is probem and electronic


                          sociology in my country = random leftist teaching the ways of k. marx


                            @kr yes, but working and going to school, sometimes you don't have the time to sit back and think about the world around you, or you at least forget to.
                            This class really puts everything in front of you and depending on your instructor, hopefully you are able to critically think about the class. It is not hard at all, but widens your view by a fair amount


                              In Russia humanities are taught very slippery for technical uni students.

                              I can skip some there, skip some here, bullshit my way through or just have no problem, because most of such stuff is something, which only a retard doesn't know anyway (idk who'd have issues with sociology tbh).

                              Humanities are dogshit and pointless due to their inherently subjective value-judgement nature.

                              Anyway, Universities are a waste of time, I just need to finish this, cause I am 1 year away from my diploma.

                              Would've been better if I took the extramural way and found a job instead.


                                Uni is imo rlly dumb for arts side, wtf is a degree in art worth? But in humanities its debatable. History is considered a humanity but it also has an analytical side, writing on the other hand is more creative. Idk it differs and im not too informed on sociology to give an opinion at all.


                                  Agree on the arts thing.

                                  You'd be better off just practicing and freelancing with arts.

                                  People don't give a fuck about what you are supposed to know according to a paper someone gave you, but about your abilities to perform certain concrete tasks.

                                  Oh, so you know calculus well? Oh, we're sorry, but we'd better hire someone, who knows Autocad/Mathcad well. GTFO.

                                  This is why universities are partially useless. They deceive you into believing you're actually learning something of a practical value, when in reality that's 10% applicable practice + 90% garbage needless and unapplicable theory.

                                  As a result you have shitstains with diplomas who work at McDonalds or some shit.

                                  I am glad I am fairly fluent in English due to (surprise) exposure to video games, as this knowledge is of high value in non-English countries, when applying for a job.

                                  Massive Dynamic

                                    I took Sociology last semester. The professor was great. He was a great lecturer and showed us how sociological a show Seinfeld is.


                                      I've also heard Westerners have some sort of ultimate nonsensical monster feces courses, which are called 'gender studies'.

                                      I am completely unaware of what that shit is, but my intuition hints me that it's something like pseudoscience+humanities=ultimate meme degree.

                                      The only thing I am glad we don't have here. Lul.

                                      Massive Dynamic

                                        Yeah that pretty much sums it up 4K Anger Management. Luckily I only took Sociology as a general graduation requirement.


                                          surepass subject

                                          Massive Dynamic

                                            By the way 4K Anger, what anime is your avatar from?


                                              Kyoukai no Kanata



                                                In murica the degree for some things matters a lot, and there rnt a lot of places to learn those things regardless of whether you want those degrees or not. Like for example steve jobs dropped out of college and dropped in on classes, but he is an entrepreneur and can use that knowledge proactively since he didnt have to find a job, he made his own job. However for many people, that degree is what opens up a lot of job opportunities, although of course the knowledge helps, people dont trust you have the knowledge without the degree as proof.

                                                Massive Dynamic

                                                  4K nice. Is it good?

                                                      1-IceTea 🌟


                                                        Massive Dynamic

                                                          I didn't say all humanities are useless. But gender studies as an entire major/degree is a joke.

                                                          basement :)

                                                            Can sociology be used to predict my penis size?


                                                                I can't imagine having a humanities degree would have any sort of utility or relevance to anything you do in life. That said, studying humanities on your own is very good.


                                                                  I don't believe I'd ever want to spend 4-6 years in the sociology field for the work it offers isn't for me, but could I? Yeah, it's very interesting imo.
                                                                  I mean shit a homework assignment had to watch the matrix

                                                                  Story Time

                                                                    Lol, the best sociology is the one with quantitaitve methods (a.k.a statistics and data analysis), but hey then why not do the bahavioral economics :D


                                                                      Through empirical research: talking with loads of different people, seeing how their careers and lifes go, etc. I came to personal conclusion that humanities and many things you are bound to study are a waste of time from a practical viewpoint.

                                                                      What I mean is, if you just want money and resources, you don't really need to study. If you want to write academic papers, then it may be useful, however.

                                                                      I have a friend, who dropped out 1 year in bachelors, because he found the sole idea of waking up as if he was in school past 18 y.o. retarded. He first went jobless, then he'd start working in a small semi-legal company, where they'd fix computer issues, etc. Then he worked as a manager in a good shop. After that he just TRIED to apply for a job in Huawei, where a diploma is supposedly required and guess what? He got in w/o a diploma, just because he presented himself REALLY good, they told him 'we like brave and smart young men like that', etc.

                                                                      So now he knows way more about servers and data operation simply because he works in server room maintenance. I am supposed to know more by my diploma formally, but practise is just that much more valueable.

                                                                      He'll get a diploma later through extremural courses just for the sake of it anyway. Just shows you how retarded the system is.

                                                                      Even on intuitive level we value communicative, decisive and moderately assertive people way more than we would a person without such qualities, but with a diploma.

                                                                      My father's ex university mate is a director in one of the UBS (United Bank or Switzerland) branches.

                                                                      After my 18's birthday, he brought me in for a meeting he negotiated, so I could ask whatever I wanted.
                                                                      I asked lots of questions regarding the industry and among them I've asked a lot of questions regarding recruitment, etc.

                                                                      I asked: 'Would you rather pick a person with bad social skills, no personal achievements or a person without one or with a very bad, but with very good speaking skills, overall knowledge, charismatic and maybe even assertive in certain moments?'

                                                                      She said, that they'd definetely pick the latter for a job. And she worked at Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, etc.

                                                                      After many other instances and life experiences, I came to conclusion that diplomas and degrees are overvalued, you may get one just formally for the sake of it or get none at all.

                                                                      They are overly hyped by the universities themself, because they need to drag more people in to get money for a living.

                                                                      Only if you sincerely plan to be a scientist or base your life around it, should you care about it so much.

                                                                      Btw, both my parents have degrees and my mother even has a Ph. D, but she's just a housewife and doesn't even work. They wouldn't take her anyway.

                                                                      Massive Dynamic

                                                                        I agree with 4K. While humanities degrees may be interesting to study, they offer little practicality if you are trying to work and provide for yourself/a family.

                                                                        Massive Dynamic

                                                                          There are some careers that I definitely agree a degree is neccessary for, like being a doctor, lawyer, or engineer.


                                                                            Medics and scientists are the only exceptions for me.

                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                              uni is not just a degree, it gives u a good lesson is independent life, responsibility, overall experience, learning ability and discipline
                                                                              even if u don't need a degree at all(i.e u have a secured job in father's/uncle's/whatever business) it's still worth to go to uni imo


                                                                                Uni is for learning. You dont have to take the degree but there rnt a lot of places that ur gonna get that knowledge, and besides how r jobs going to recruit u because u supposedly have the skills they want without a degree, but u have no way to prove it.


                                                                                  By having a portfolio, lol.

                                                                                  Programming, arts, interpreting and translating texts, all of that is provable to be your skills if you've done recorded tasks before.

                                                                                  You DON'T need a degree for those.

                                                                                  Again, University knowledge is primarily useless garbage aside from special courses.


                                                                                    thats why people with a degree in humanites are all so rich :thinking: