General Discussion

General DiscussionBlade mail + call is actually os fucking braindead op

Blade mail + call is actually os fucking braindead op in General Discussion
Negative Mental Attitude

    2/6/17 axe 54.51% wr because his braindead combo that lets him kill enemies 100x his net worth gg

    casual gamer

      when you are called, disable autocast on arcane orb :D

      casual gamer

        nice smurf btw


          Or you can purchase a manta style and dodge it ;)


            I don't see much problem with Axe.

            Pudge would bother me way harder.

            Negative Mental Attitude

              pudge is easy, every game i play vs them they miss 99% of their hooks and feed

              axe is fucking dumb because even if he feeds he can still fcking kill me in two seconds


                step 1: don't get called
                step 2: ????
                step 3: profit


                  Step 1: Jebait
                  Step 2: Dodge
                  Step 3: ????
                  Step 4: Profit


                    Playing Brood taught me to compulsively walk around creepwaves and play like a scared cat around allied creeps against Axe.

                    It really helps.


                      call + blademail is op