General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does he have a 100% win rate with Abaddon?

Why does he have a 100% win rate with Abaddon? in General Discussion

    He doesn't


      Actually its 94%.

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        means that abaddon is good D:

        Player 123655765

          I want to try his build Phase>BM>Solar Crest

          but what to build after Solar? is Vlad the best one? and do you get the +5 armor Talent rather than the mana?


            Thats a bad build. If ur support u want mek and auras and shit early, although a mid game solar crest for fast roshan seems okay. Blade mail seems unnecessary, better to just get a helm. Late game vlads is good, blink is good, aghs is ok, ac is an option. Lotus is also situationally nice.

            1-IceTea 🌟

              ^He's 4.7K tho smart raj


                Because the guy builds good items and plays him offlane.

                casual gamer

                  i get the armor talent if i get euls otherwise i get the mana

                  Président® Salted Butter

                    Abaddon is a great hero :D