General Discussion

General Discussionmax coil abaddon

max coil abaddon in General Discussion
casual gamer

    you shit on any lane period, very few carries can sustain coil spam

    with 4411 build you win fights super easily so pushing is easy wheras 1441 build you push faster but fights are much harder

    almost every game i have ends in 20-25 minutes, because their carry is poor as fuck and/or i killed him in lane and hes ultra tilted, rosh melts to medallion and it's impossible to depush because i just tank the t3 with my hotd creep + solar crest


      I see alot of people mentioning this. Please state the exact order in which you level abilities.


        I'll kindly disagree. Cure of Avernus is too good for early pushes.


          You can check his skill builds on his matches, I wanna know how to go about the first 5mins of laning phase


            how do you deal with your own self damage when maxing coil?

            casual gamer

              im not completely sure what the best skill build is yet ive only played about 8 games and it probably changes depending on your matchup

              you can try something like weqqqrqw or wqeqqrq or wewqqrqq, generally the skill build is fluid you just need 1 point in curse for the bonus ms and you want 4 in coil fairly early so you can spam coil to force people out of lane with tranq/headress/shrine

              sometimes i skip the perk to continue leveling skills, this is when my win condition is being met and more levels of curse will lead to taking rax

              casual gamer

                ^salza a combination of headress, shrine, running to the base shrine, and lvl 1-2 shield with raindrop for mana. if i want to hardcore spam i can go tranqs which makes it super easy


                  Ye i max coil after shield, and it works well for me

                  me, government hooker

                    do u solo or dual

                    casual gamer

                      usually solo but ive done support for ab + weaver and cheese combos are probably just as effective


                        1441 build was always for the brain damaged.
                        You pick Curse once at level 2/4 and it's enough.

                        Coil is basically a level 3 Omni Purification heal, when maxed out.
                        I was hoping I wasn't the first to figure that out.

                        Feichang Gaoxing

                          Might try this later. I usually max 2nd then 1st.

                          So what's your usual item build? Tranqs soul ring headdress into meka or vlads or HotD?

                          I havent tried medallion with my dear aba. Is it good? Or should i go with aura shit?

                          Usually when i build HotD after tranqs and soul ring it feels like i already maxed out all of his skills (except for ulti duh)


                            IMO 2301 (lvl 6) for supp and 0321 (lvl 6) for carry, which goes to 4401 + talent or 0441 + talent (at lvl 10)

                            casual gamer

                              theres no such thing as carry abaddon your objective is to end not farm dps items

                              my only mana source is wand+raindrop which not as much as id like but i dont think sr is so needed

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                This makes no sense though. Coil spam is no different than spamming any spell. Yes, it has a very low CD and just 80 mana cost, but it also damages you so you need tranq-soul ring to sustain the spam.

                                Feichang Gaoxing

                                  Ew carry abaddon.

                                  I wish my team picks cm when i pick aba. Might try adding early basilius to that build. I wanna spam the shit out of coil.

                                  me, government hooker

                                    im going in man ur shit better work

                                    me, government hooker

                                      nice i fed 4 kills on lane and still won in 25 mins
                                      i didnt know tf to do on lane vs venge pudge sile tho so i just maxed shield and hoped for the best. i can see this heros potential tho


                                        i always go lv 3 coil but max shield by 8


                                          Im pretty sure u always max shield right? And coil second?

                                          casual gamer

                                            its all situational @_@

                                            ideally u dont want to fight 5v5 without lvl 4 shield thoguh


                                              Situational, after experimenting; coil spam is definitely more a support aba build. I prefer this hero as opposed to necro atm because of embers current popularity which is a necro counter. If my team is stubborn I first pick aba. If I don't have to lock in first I choose a situational hero that counters enemy. Thx for advice jd


                                                Orb of venom and abaddons passive is the way to go tbh.
                                                Honestly the hero is just good right now


                                                  dont think its worth it, u make way more space with max shield by 7
                                                  havent seen people maxing slow over coil im sure they are tards


                                                    You might just be stupid if you assume^
                                                    Abaddon offlane with shield and slow
                                                    Try it out before you look dumb fam


                                                      0321 is standard max slow is not


                                                        And a player with almost 4K matches still feels the need to follow the standard build. Have fun with your next 4K matches when you reach 6k fam

                                                        I'm sure if none of your favorite streamers started going veil ember, and it wasn't popular right now and you saw it in one of your games you'd flame like a cuck.
                                                        You sound pretty low skill ATM


                                                          ? i dont even go 0321 for most of games?
                                                          im just trying to tell you max slow is extremely bad


                                                            he is not a strong or decent carry indeed, but this is dota, everything is situational and can work on certain scenarios... if u pick early game heroes, and cant win, there is no option, u need a rightclick carry.. abba can more or less fill that hole


                                                              Urn of Shadows is a decent mana source in conjunction with Raindrops. Plus you usually survive long enough in fights to get the charges.

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                ^^ good one i should actually be buying this item considering how i play the hero

                                                                Johnny Rico

                                                                  How do you sustain your mana on lane, clarities, raindrop, basileus?

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    raindrop stick shrine and feeding relentlessly


                                                                        Dont comment how if pros never discovered a certain build people would never play them. I mean pros will always try to find the most optimal build and its stupid to not play the most optimal build. People who follow it to the dot regardless of game scenario and who dont take situationals into account are dumb, but you cant call someone dumb because they copy a pro.


                                                                          I saw sumail sell all his items and buy 6 iron branches 12 mins into the game as QoP. That build seemed a little situational I think tho, cause it only lost me the game. Maybe should've gone for 4 iron branches and 2 circlets for a little more stats


                                                                            Ye ur build was gold effecient but not slot effecient. Plus u forgot abt iron branches in the backpack smh.


                                                                              If you like to spam skills, why don't get a range int support like silencer? You pick Abaddon not because you want to force your enemy out of the lane. You pick him to go for a gg push strat, in which your Curse shines.