I know something that will probably piss people off. Start a game, then click on the enemy fountain and proceed to then drink about a half a cup of bleach. While you are slowly dying you get to hear the graceful sounds of pings and alt+pings
-Pick a carry and don't hit creeps, don't say anything in chat. Causes instant confusion and rage.
-Pick Tiny and toss your teammates on the enemies under their towers. Don't say anything to explain why you do this. Rage.
-Same with Earth Spirit.
-KOTL: summoning your team on a cliff.
-Wisp: relocating to the enemy fountain.
-Axe: going over beyond the enemy T2 mid and killing all your midlaner's creeps.
-Treant: going 5 faerie fire + quelling blade at start and csing all the creeps of your mid/carry/jungle.
-Last picking a jungle random hero.
-Last picking Pudge and play like you're brain damaged.
-Offlane zoning support Antimage with boots/oov first, don't explain anything to your team.
-Pick a support, don't buy cour or anything, stay afk. Then at min 1-2 come to your carry's lane with Null Talisman and start autoattacking the creeps non-stop.
In general, play like you have some severe brain defects, like you're legit fucking retarded. At least try to. Don't give away your intentions by talking/writing something obvious in chat.
All you have to do is:
- Ping them when you die.
- Spam well played.
- Tell them inacurate stuff, like tell them they did something they didnt.
- Follow someone.
- Take farm.
- Block camps.
- Buy shitty items.
In a nutshell, play as if u bought account and don't understand how the game works.
be 6.2k mmr, first pick dazzle and be useless/complain all game about teammates 600 mmr below you while not having a tp and building useless garbage
next game: force me to 4 pick tinker so he can last pick ogre fucking magi, then refuse to give me tangos without saying anything
What would you do to piss off your teammates , ? i mean forcestaffs , chen sendbacks can be disabled , so i think some better ways to piss off teammates are to pick a support like Omniknight or Dazzle etc , and just right click follow them without healing them or anyting .. , tell me some more ways , cause i just wanna ruin some games ....