General Discussion

General Discussionare there really that many account buyers? lol

are there really that many account buyers? lol in General Discussion
    Player 404335202

      Sorry i m not a high mmr player but i ve seen a frnd (dotafrnd ) who claims that he sold too many accounts with low price ! He always make a new account .. Party stack cm mode for like 80 games then calibration ! Recently he got 4888 mmr on his new account which is on the way to meet a new user


        During calibration they que for random draft. 1 from each go to enemy jungle and feed 4 enemies there.


          and then they sold a 5k+ acc to a 3k trash who plays in EU and feeds whole africa in my games

          Player 404335202

            ^Are u one of the abusers ?


              also the irony is that ive sold 4 accs in the past but they are safe in 3-3500 zone now

              Badluck x 10⁻²⁴

                Wait. Party stacking in unranked games work? :o

                i have 5 reports to use

                  What's this guy on about He randomed furion in my game


                    Why would I buy 2k account dude? Lol I just saw them because I play at night when my server is full of them


                      I'm a casual but not a retard to ignore such big issue with gaming.


                        get good stats and lose is the key to high mmr calibration


                          Btw it is being done openly. You can Google and find about this on Reddit I think. This is actually an old issue.

                          Also ive a friend too who spams meepo calibrate at 4k+ then sells them. I won't share his profile here


                            @fyyq yes that's what my friend told me too I started with 2.6k but calibrated at 2k I thought winning gets you high mmr so relied too much on teammates. I asked him after calibration about it he told me his strategy.

                            What he does is deliberately try to lose the game by not helping team at all.
                            As meepo he farms fast so if he dies he feedslot of gold. Which gives enemy an advantage.
                            But he won't die a lot once or twice is enough plus he farms so fast and eat all space so team already has disadvantage.
                            Then he pushes, do few good team fights and kill so he has good kDa
                            Good td
                            And decent HD good gpm good gpm

                            So even if he starts 3.8 or 3.9 he reaches 4k + always then sell it to some cybercafe or Ame centre guy who further sells it


                              I don't know how much of this is true.


                                ok lets see. you have seller, guy that creates acc and smurfs. plays like 100 games which is like 110 hours of pure playing. calibrates account around 4900 and proceeds to sell it for 80 bucks at top? you spend 110 hours to earn 80 bucks? do you even realize it is 1,37 bucks per hour which is just hilarious? I dont even want to mention other side, buyers. Spending 80 bucks on account that has higher skill cap than his own is unexplainable. it is just pure stupidity.


                                  I met an account buyer who got a 4.2K account for 18$ US
                                  He admitted to it over chat in the game, sucked as a support but at least he said he knew he had to play support if he wanted to stay this high. We won the game, but it was tight and he made tonnes of errors.

                                  This was on a US East server. Of course he could be lying on the cost


                                    out of personal exp, the share of acc buyers is less than 0.1%


                                      however, people are very likely to claim that someone who performed bad is an acc buyer


                                        ^blunt is one of the 0.1% for sure

                                        bum farto

                                          I wish I was a reddit admin so I can sticky my comments at the top.

                                          This fucking kid complaining about and axe who, watching the game, was so much better than all of them he was just trolling around and still did way fucking better than they did.

                                          Hurrdurr i have been at 4k for 5 years and someone with 50 hours managed to get higher than me, hurrdurr it's fucking account buyer ruining my games. Christ alive people are so fucking retarded.

                                          The DarKNovA

                                            I never claim anyone an account buyer, because with no evidence, no point in sperging out.
                                            Maybe there are some, maybe I could sell one of my higher accounts (not that I have many) but I don't care for that crap, it's small money and too much of a hassle anyhow.

                                              The DarKNovA

                                                It's more like a meme at this point.
                                                I got that a few times whenever a group of friends or someone upset wants to blame the loss on me (like my Bristle game just now), I don't know what was account-buyerish about that game for example.



                                                    3.5k - 4.5k tons of them


                                                      we should have a report for account buyers


                                                        Not a big problem although both seller and buyer are pathetic
                                                        Account buyers will get back to their real mmr sooner or later and your mmr will stay if you actually deserve to be there
                                                        Max acc buyer you can get in your team is 4 and max amount of account buyer on the enemy team is 5